MEANr - A MEAN relational stack

MIT LicenseMIT


A MEAN relational stack - Mysql Express Angular Node relational

DEMO: https://meanr.io

This project is split into three main repositories. See the readme of each repo for getting started:


An alternative to mean.io and meanjs.org that's a bit MEANr.

  • JSON Web Tokens - expiring and persistent refresh tokens
  • Social logins
  • Emal account confirmation/password reset
  • Admin dashboard
  • Strict JSON Schema, ACL, Socket.io, IDS, audit logging...
  • Full list: https://meanr.io/#!/about

Why does the world need another MEAN stack?

Because sooner or later you will realize MongoDB probably isn't the right choice.

The relationship between data is as important as the data itself. Life is a lot easier with ACID transactions.

And cookies aren't ideal - using tokens is a great way to serve AngularJS webpages and Ionic mobile apps.


  • Mysql 5.x
  • Express 4.x
  • Angular 1.4.x
  • Node 4.2.x

Possible future developments

  • gunmail webhooks
  • charts for JSNLog
  • ignore jsnlog when user messes with dom
  • refresh provider persistent tokens
  • add user capabilities/permissions viewer to route view
  • activity audit log socketio requests
  • audit log geodata map
  • admin performance - reduce ng-hide/ng-show and filters in ng-repeat
  • whatever you can fork and pull!


Please open an issue in the relevant repository for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request in the repository.


The code is available under the MIT license.