
Simple angular directive for button showing progress and result of promise (eg resource request call)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple angular directive for button showing progress and result of promise (eg resource request call)

This is a fork with added functionality.

FORK DEMO: http://embed.plnkr.co/WRaLC2/

What's this?

DEMO: http://plnkr.co/edit/pHwqib?p=preview

  • Adds visual feedback of progress, success or failure to button that starts async process (API request, ...)
  • Disable button during processing to avoid double-requests by mistake clicking on button
  • Enables you to make button that waits X seconds to cancel mistake before actually commiting request

All just with this code:

Simple button

<button promise-button='yourFuncThatReturnsPromise()'>Save world</button>

alt text

Cancelable timeout button

<button promise-button='yourFuncThatReturnsPromise()' promise-cease-period='3'>Lunch missile</button>

alt text


Install via bower:

bower install ng-promise-button --save

Add script to your index.html (if not using wiredep or simillar)

<script src='bower_components/ng-promise-button/promise_button.js'></script>

Add module to your application module dependencies

angular.module('YourApp', [..., 'ngPromiseButton'])...


  • Uses FontAwesome classes for feedback icons
  • uses CSS class '.spinner' for icons that should be animated (not included in this package)


See #what's this ;)