Christy POC trial - simplest fullstack react CRUD (no redux)

######To check the data in mongo database -> terminal1 (to start the database make it running)(it has to keep running for data query)


terminal2 (to access to the db data using query)

show dbs (to show all database choices)
use <database name> (usually the repo name, anyway it is config by us in DB.js) (the "business" is the model's name we defined in the mongoose schema)

######Got a strange error when starting up mongo db using mongod

solution: You can kill the previous mongod instance and start the new one. To kill the previous mongod instance: see all the port running on the machine by: sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -n -P Search for mongod COMMAND and its PID and type, and type the following to kill the running port (in case the pid is 47429) sudo kill 47429


#####Get a warning when building [edit] component A component is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled error in ReactJS

Reason: When I first define the state object in the constructor, i use enmpty string as the keys of the items. the value of the items in the state turned into undefined. And after componentDidMount() to grab the data and this.setState(.....), I updated the state and the value of the items in state turned into something and not undefined any more. In short, it changed the state's items' datatype, which causing this warning.


1- Define the fields in state as:

this.state = { fields: {name: ''} } 2- (adopted in my case) Define the value property by using Short-circuit evaluation like this:

value={ || ''} // (undefined || '') = ''


Question : When I am trying to make the redirect page function using history, I got a question-> When to use react-router-dom and react-router?


Problem: How to redirect react page?

  • Tried Redirect, doesn't really work
  • => Tried history, after using withRouter() HOC(see edit.js), history is working and page redirected on submit)

Another Problem: Only the page is redirected to /index, but the data on /index is not updated. (After checking in mongodb, the data is succesfully updated, just the state for /index is not yet updated(? I don't know if this problem will disappear if I change to use Redux))

  • Tried componenetDidUpdate() in index.js => work, but...

Another Problem: Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in the componentWillUnmount method.

=> I guess it is something related to react lifecycle?

Temporary solution:

window.location.reload(); Coz I plan to use react align with redux in the future projects, and I am not sure if this problem exists in redux, so I just temporary solve the problem by adding this line of code. It will reload the page but I am not sure if there will be any problem (like cleared all the state) for a single page application to refresh like this. May come back to this issue later if I have any updates.


######Deprecated found

express deprecated res.send(status, body): Use res.status(status).send(body) instead

#####How to start up the app (after installing mongodb on your computer)


(install backend packages) npm install (start up mongodb and let it keep running while you are using the app) mongod (start up backend) npm start or nodemon server.js (=> port running at 5000)


cd fronetnd (install frontend packages) yarn install (start up frontend app) yarn start (=> react app running at 3000)