
.Net Project For Verademo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

VeraDemo.NET - Blab-a-Gag


Blab-a-Gag is a fairly simple forum type application which allows:

  • users to post a one-liner joke
  • users to follow the jokes of other users or not (listen or ignore)
  • users to comment on other users messages (heckle)


/reset will reset the data in the database with a load of:

  • users
  • jokes
  • heckles

/feed shows the jokes/heckles that are relevant to the current user.

/blabbers shows a list of all other users and allows the current user to listen or ignore.

/profile allows the current user to modify their profile.

/login allows you to log in to your account

/register allows you to create a new user account

/tools shows a tools page that shows a fortune or lets you ping a host.


Database credentials are held in web.config Log4Net information is helped in log4net.config


A blank database is provided in App_Data\VeraDemoNet.mdf - the application will connect to this by default. If you want to change it, the connection string is in web.config as BlabberDB


Visual Studio 2017 is required to build the application. Publishing generates the appropriate files to deploy.

Alternatively, run from inside Visual Studio.

Open /reset in your browser and follow the instructions to prep the database

Login with your username/password as defined in `ResetController.cs :: _veraUsers

AWS/Azure Deployment


The deployment from Visual Studio recognises the connection string and will update to point to the Azure SQL Server instance


Install the AWS Toolkit for VS 2017 - https://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/

Exploitation Demos

See the docs folder



  • Make it more easily deployable into Cloud Services (MS have lots of nice tools to help)
  • Test on Greenlight.


  • Add a couple of 'legacy' ASPX pages so that Greenlight can be demoed on pages (it doesn't work on CSHTML)
  • DOM based XSS to demonstrate Javascript-oriented flaw remedation
  • SourceClear/SCA demonstration through use of outdated/flaws 3rd party components

Missing from here, but in Verademo

  • cwe-113-http-response-splitting
  • cwe-134-format-string-injection
  • cwe-384-session-fixation
  • cwe-501-trust-boundary-violation [Note - may not be applicable to .NET]