DSL for Gherkins

Feature file:

Feature: Home page

  Given a user with a valid id
  And the account service is available

Scenario: A user pushes home button
  Given the user is on the home page
  When the user pushes the button
  Then the user sees a confirmation that the button was pressed

These feature files are purely text, to describe functionality of your program. They should enable product managers or non-programmers to define tests. Developers should be able to easily attach their code to each of these definitions.

The Gherkin spec defines a list of valid keywords that are defined in feature files. These can be mapped to keywords in an EDN file:

  • Feature
  • Scenario
  • Given, When, Then, And, But

As data:

(def gherkins
    {:description "Home page"
     :definition {:background [{:given "a user with a valid id"}
                               {:and "the account service is available"}]
                  :scenarios [{:scenario "A user pushes the home button"
                               :steps [{:given "the user is on the home page"}
                                       {:when "the user pushes the button"}
                                       {:then "the user sees a confirmation that the button as pressed"}]}]}}})

Adding handlers in Clojure:

In order for the Gherkins to be executed, each step must be matched with the :step-type and the :text. So as an example, below the handler would be matched with the data definition of the Gherkin:

(def valid-id-handler
  {:step-type :given
   :text "a user with a valid id"
   :handler-fn (fn [context] (assoc-in context :user-id "00000-0000-0000"))})

Matching with the data definition of the Gherkins:

(defn handler-key [handler]
  {(:step-type handler) (:text handler)}) 

;; Picture having a set of every possible step definition in the schema
;; extracted, e.g. #{{:given "the user is on the home page"} {:when "the user pushes the button"} ...}
(defn attach-handlers [gherkins handlers]
  (let [steps (extracted-steps gherkins)]
    (for [s steps]
      (let [handler (filter #(= s (handler-key %)))]
        (assoc-in s :handler handler)))))

Executing step definitions in order: As an idea, I picture each step definition building up a state. The background definition of the Gherkin would create an init state that will be used by all scenarios of the feature. The state would be built up from the background and to the scenario's given and when steps, then the then steps would take that constructed state and apply asserts to figure out whether the state was properly constructed.

(let [context (or background-context {})]
      final-context (loop [step steps]
                      (recur (rest steps) ((-> step :handler :handler-fn) context)))]
  (doseq [then thens]
    ;; Asserts would be applied here after the final state is built up
    ((-> then :handler :handler-fn) final-context)))


  • Gherkins have a pretty well defined spec that can easily be translated into data, but the actual evaluation of the Gherkins would be a bigger challenge, generating reports and handling errors or improperly defined features.
  • How well would the syntax "scale" with a larger problem? I think that implementing asynchronous execution of these Gherkins would open up a lot of possibilities for users.
  • How easy is it to read vs. write vs. modify? Writing Gherkins is actually quite easy for non-programmers. Writing the actual step definitions in Clojure I think would be easy with a data driven model because a developer is aware of where his code will be attached in the feature files.