
Add on to Ember Data to support nested JSON documents

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Data: Model Fragments Build Status

This package provides support for sub-models that can be treated much like belongsTo and hasMany relationships are, but whose persistence is managed completely through the parent object.


App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
  name      : DS.hasOneFragment('name'),
  addresses : DS.hasManyFragments('address'),
  titles    : DS.hasManyFragments()

App.Name = DS.ModelFragment.extend({
  first  : DS.attr('string'),
  last   : DS.attr('string')

App.Address = DS.ModelFragment.extend({
  street  : DS.attr('string'),
  city    : DS.attr('string'),
  region  : DS.attr('string'),
  country : DS.attr('string')

With a JSON payload of:

  "id": "1",
  "name": {
    "first": "Tyrion",
    "last": "Lannister"
  "addresses": [
      "street": "1 Sky Cell",
      "city": "Eyre",
      "region": "Vale of Arryn",
      "country": "Westeros"
      "street": "1 Tower of the Hand",
      "city": "King's Landing",
      "region": "Crownlands",
      "country": "Westeros"
  "titles": [ "Imp", "Hand of the King" ]

The name attribute can be treated similar to a belongsTo relationship:

var person = store.getById('person', '1');
var name = person.get('name');

person.get('isDirty'); // false
name.get('first'); // 'Tyrion'

name.set('first', 'Jamie');
person.get('isDirty'); // true

name.get('first'); // 'Tyrion'

The addresses attribute can be treated similar to a hasMany relationship:

var person = store.getById('person', '1');
var address = person.get('addresses.lastObject');

person.get('isDirty'); // false
address.get('country'); // 'Westeros'

address.set('country', 'Essos');
person.get('isDirty'); // true

address.get('country'); // 'Westeros'

The titles attribute can be treated as an Ember.Array:

var person = store.getById('person', '1');
var titles = person.get('titles');

person.get('isDirty'); // false
titles.get('length'); // 2

titles.get('length'); // 3
person.get('isDirty'); // true

titles.get('length'); // 2


Building requires Grunt and running tests requires Test 'Em, which can both be installed globally with:

$ npm install --global grunt testem

Then install NPM packages, build the plugin, and start the development test server:

$ npm install
$ grunt build
$ testem


When reporting an issue, follow the Ember guidelines. When contributing features, follow Github guidelines for forking and creating a new pull request. All existing tests must pass (or be suitably modified), and all new features must be accompanied by tests to be considered.