This module aims to implement the Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Protocol, with compatibility for both, the currently employed (e.g. by LetsEncrypt), and the currently being specified version.
Install via npm
$ npm install --save acme-protocol
var ACME = require( 'acme-protocol' )
// Create a new ACME protocol client
var client = new ACME.Client({
// ACME service URL
baseUrl: '',
// PEM encoded public key (required)
publicKey: fs.readFileSync( 'public-key.pem', 'utf8' ),
// PEM encoded private key (required)
privateKey: fs.readFileSync( 'private-key.pem', 'utf8' ),
// Configure the client with the ACME server's directory
// NOTE: Optional, will be done on API if unconfigured
client.configure( function( error, directory ) {
directory == {
'new-authz': '',
'new-cert': '',
'new-reg': '',
'revoke-cert': ''
// Define your contact details
var contact = [ 'mailto:root@localhost' ]
// Register a new account for defined contact and
// keys the client was initialized with
client.register( contact, function( error, registration ) {
client.registrationUrl = registration == {
resource: 'new-reg',
contact: [ '' ],
id: 246840,
key: JSONWebKey {
kty: 'RSA',
n: 'oL9U7lsMfBGZiFO_NmvTbPlPaMgMfg9iuxO2IkgKrJbKVtrGvfzNCOMIaO_wAx8AIf3-tegeaEWWV6FyO6haW1zPhKovVAYyXQKof8CKvueooTie46d0JAHirdAGWn2BWCQKQ-GlFqqMx2ou1BHv9MxfGKaT9CjT8cIROl1ptag3kdUH5ZsjhGmdg_TNXeu4wtiYVf0JG9nWfZncX4Dgv6IpSCoQiGf6FIE_q0jaUhpdBdQ6HEL_s6O3L45FFYvGfAuiciuKVZugR3hXCUJ26NmShMKfdu5qUKPQ02-IQAFGncnMNOVPeDhkLMMIaNerGCsjVz1l_TjXOSTW-h1paw',
e: 'AQAB'
initialIp: '',
createdAt: '2016-07-05T22:28:50Z'
// Create a registration update with `agreement` set
var registration = {
agreement: '',
// Update your registration with agreement to TOS
client.updateRegistration( registration, function( error, registration ) {
client.registration = registration == {
resource: 'new-reg',
contact: [ '' ],
id: 246840,
key: JSONWebKey {
kty: 'RSA',
n: 'oL9U7lsMfBGZiFO_NmvTbPlPaMgMfg9iuxO2IkgKrJbKVtrGvfzNCOMIaO_wAx8AIf3-tegeaEWWV6FyO6haW1zPhKovVAYyXQKof8CKvueooTie46d0JAHirdAGWn2BWCQKQ-GlFqqMx2ou1BHv9MxfGKaT9CjT8cIROl1ptag3kdUH5ZsjhGmdg_TNXeu4wtiYVf0JG9nWfZncX4Dgv6IpSCoQiGf6FIE_q0jaUhpdBdQ6HEL_s6O3L45FFYvGfAuiciuKVZugR3hXCUJ26NmShMKfdu5qUKPQ02-IQAFGncnMNOVPeDhkLMMIaNerGCsjVz1l_TjXOSTW-h1paw',
e: 'AQAB'
agreement: '',
initialIp: '',
createdAt: '2016-07-05T22:28:50Z'
// Create an Authorization Resource
var auth = {
identifier: {
type: 'dns',
value: ''
// Request a new authorization
client.newAuthorization( auth, function( error, authorization ) {
authorization == {
identifier: {
type: 'dns',
value: ''
status: 'pending',
expires: '2016-08-23T17:01:04.813031251Z',
challenges: [
type: 'dns-01',
status: 'pending',
uri: '',
token: 'MCb7GlKjWtYpFiediI1Lxl2eYT1Idswkv6KcoLIu7Eg'
type: 'tls-sni-01',
status: 'pending',
uri: '',
token: 'q3pTKDKJiqRF9HRYTTiqK6grKmFFNgXXYCH_Ar61IpY'
type: 'http-01',
status: 'pending',
uri: '',
token: 'gpjesS8JfKGwBx5X6T7RDycRPM9Mxj32xuirCpCbhGU'
combinations: [ [ 1 ], [ 0 ], [ 2 ] ]