
Vite SSR Plugin. Simple, full-fledged, do-one-thing-do-it-well.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Simple, full-fledged, do-one-thing-do-it-well.

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   Vue Tour
   React Tour

Get Started
   Manual Installation

   Data Fetching
   SPA vs SSR vs HTML
   Pre-rendering (SSG)
   HTML <head>
   Store (Vuex/Redux/...)
   Page Redirection
   Tailwind CSS
   Base URL
   Cloudflare Workers

    Node.js & Browser
     •  export { addContextProps }
     •  export { passToClient }
     •  export { render }
     •  export { prerender }
   import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
   import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'
   import { useClientRouter } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'
   import { navigate } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'
     •  Route String
     •  Route Function
   Filesystem Routing
    Special Pages
   import { createPageRender } from 'vite-plugin-ssr' (Server Integration Point)
   import ssr from 'vite-plugin-ssr/plugin' (Vite Plugin)
   Command prerender



vite-plugin-ssr provides a similar experience than Nuxt/Next.js, but with Vite's wonderful DX, and as a do-one-thing-do-it-well tool.

  • Do-One-Thing-Do-It-Well. Takes care only of SSR and works with: other Vite plugins, any view framework (Vue, React, ...), and any server environment (Express, Fastify, Cloudflare Workers, ...).
  • Render Control. You control how your pages are rendered enabling you to easily and naturally integrate tools (Vuex, Redux, Apollo GraphQL, Service Workers, ...).
  • SPA & SSR & HTML. Render some pages as SPA, some with SSR, and some to HTML-only (with zero/minimal browser-side JavaScript).
  • Pre-render / SSG / Static Websites. Deploy your app to a static host (GitHub Pages, Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, ...) by pre-rendering your pages.
  • Routing. You can choose between Server-side Routing (for a simple architecture) and Client-side Routing (for faster/animated page transitions). Can also be used with Vue Router and React Router.
  • HMR. Browser as well as server code is automatically reloaded.
  • Fast Cold Start. Your pages are lazy-loaded on the server; adding pages doesn't increase the cold start of your serverless functions.
  • Code Splitting. In the browser, each page loads only the code it needs.
  • Simple Design. Simple overall design resulting in a tool that is small, robust, and easy to use.
  • Scalable. Your source code can scale to thousands of files with no hit on dev speed (thanks to Vite's lazy transpiling), and vite-plugin-ssr's SSR architecture scales from small hobby projects to large-scale enterprise projects with precise SSR needs.
  • Maintained & Responsive. Made with ❤️; GitHub issues are welcome and swiftly addressed; chatting is welcome at Discord - vite-plugin-ssr.

To get an idea of what it's like to use vite-plugin-ssr, check out the Vue Tour or React Tour.

Vue Tour

Similarly to Nuxt, you create pages by defining .page.vue files.

<!-- /pages/index.page.vue -->
<!-- Environment: Browser, Node.js -->

  This page is rendered to HTML and interactive:
  <button @click="state.count++">Counter {{ state.count }}</button>

import { reactive } from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({ count: 0 })
    return { state }

By default, vite-plugin-ssr does Filesystem Routing.

FILESYSTEM                  URL
pages/index.page.vue        /
pages/about.page.vue        /about

If you need more control, you can create a .page.route.js file to define a Route String (for parameterized routes such as /movies/:id) or a Route Function (for full programmatic flexibility).

// /pages/index.page.route.js
// Environment: Node.js (and Browser if you opt-in for Client-side Routing)

// We define a Route Function for `/pages/index.page.vue`:
export default ({ url }) => url === '/'

/* Or we define a Route String:
export default '/'

// Or we don't create `.page.route.js` and Filesystem Routing is used

Unlike Nuxt, you define how your pages are rendered.

// /pages/_default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { createSSRApp, h } from 'vue'
import { renderToString } from '@vue/server-renderer'
import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  const app = createSSRApp({
    render: () => h(Page, contextProps.pageProps)

  const appHtml = await renderToString(app)

  const title = 'Vite SSR'

  return html`<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="app">${html.dangerouslySetHtml(appHtml)}</div>
// /pages/_default.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { createSSRApp, h } from 'vue'
import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'


async function hydrate() {
  // `Page` and `contextProps` are preloaded in production
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage()

  const app = createSSRApp({
    render: () => h(Page, contextProps.pageProps)


The render() hook in /pages/_default.page.server.js gives you full control over how your pages are rendered, and /pages/_default.page.client.js gives you full control over the browser-side code. This control enables you to easily and naturally:

  • Use any tool you want such as Vue Router and Vuex.
  • Use Vue 2, Vue 3, any any future Vue version (you can actually use any view framework you want, e.g. React).

Note the suffixes of the files we created:

  • .page.js: exports the page's root Vue component.
  • .page.client.js (optional): defines the page's browser-side code.
  • .page.server.js (optional): exports the page's hooks (always run in Node.js).
  • .page.route.js (optional): exports the page's Route String or Route Function.

Instead of creating a .page.client.js and .page.server.js file for each page, you can create _default.page.client.js and _default.page.server.js which apply as default for all pages.

We already defined _default files above, which means that all we have to do now to create a new page is to define a new .page.vue file.

The _default files can be overridden. For example, you can create a page with a different browser-side code than your other pages.

// /pages/about.page.client.js

// This file is empty which means that the `/about` page has zero browser-side JavaScript.
<!-- /pages/about.page.vue -->

  This page is only rendered to HTML.

By overriding _default.page.server.js#render you can even render some of your pages with a different view framework, e.g. another Vue version (for progressive upgrade) or even React.

Note how files are collocated and share the same base /pages/about.page.; this is how you tell vite-plugin-ssr that /pages/about.page.client.js is the browser-side code of /pages/about.page.vue.

Let's now have a look at how to fetch data for a page that has a parameterized route.

<!-- /pages/star-wars/movie.page.vue -->
<!-- Environment: Browser, Node.js -->

  <p>Release Date: {{movie.release_date}}</p>
  <p>Director: {{movie.director}}</p>

<script lang="js">
const pageProps = ['movie']
export default { props: pageProps }
// /pages/star-wars/movie.page.route.js
// Environment: Node.js

export default '/star-wars/:movieId'
// /pages/star-wars/movie.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import fetch from 'node-fetch'

export async function addContextProps({ contextProps }) {
  // The route parameter of `/star-wars/:movieId` is available at `contextProps.movieId`
  const { movieId } = contextProps

  // `.page.server.js` files always run in Node.js; we could use SQL/ORM queries here.
  const response = await fetch(`https://swapi.dev/api/films/${movieId}`)
  let movie = await response.json()

  // The render/hydrate functions we defined earlier use `contextProps.pageProps`.
  // This is where we define `contextProps.pageProps`.
  const pageProps = { movie }

  // `pageProps` is now available at `contextProps.pageProps`
  return { pageProps }

// By default `contextProps` are available only on the server. But our hydrate function
// we defined earlier runs in the browser and uses `contextProps.pageProps`. We use
// `passToClient` to tell `vite-plugin-ssr` to serialize and make `contextProps.pageProps`
// available in the browser.
export const passToClient = ['pageProps']

Note that vite-plugin-ssr doesn't know anything about pageProps: it's an object we create to conveniently hold all props of the root Vue component. (We could have defined movie directly on contextProps.movie but it's cumbersome: our render/hydrate function would then need to know what contextProps should be passed to the root Vue component, whereas with contextProps.pageProps our render/hydrate function can simply pass contextProps.pageProps to the root Vue component.)

That's it, we have seen most of vite-plugin-ssr's interface; not only is vite-plugin-ssr flexible but also simple and easy to use.

React Tour

Similarly to Next.js, you create pages by defining .page.jsx files.

// /pages/index.page.jsx
// Environment: Browser, Node.js

import React, { useState } from "react";

export { Page };

function Page() {
  return <>
    This page is rendered to HTML and interactive: <Counter />

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setCount((count) => count + 1)}>
      Counter {count}

By default, vite-plugin-ssr does Filesystem Routing.

FILESYSTEM                  URL
pages/index.page.jsx        /
pages/about.page.jsx        /about

If you need more control, you can create a .page.route.js file to define a Route String (for parameterized routes such as /movies/:id) or a Route Function (for full programmatic flexibility).

// /pages/index.page.route.js
// Environment: Node.js (and Browser if you opt-in for Client-side Routing)

// We define a Route Function for `/pages/index.page.jsx`:
export default ({ url }) => url === "/";

/* Or we define a Route String:
export default "/";

// Or we don't create `.page.route.js` and Filesystem Routing is used

Unlike Next.js, you define how your pages are rendered.

// /pages/_default.page.server.jsx
// Environment: Node.js

import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server";
import React from "react";
import { html } from "vite-plugin-ssr";

export { render };

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  const viewHtml = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
    <Page {...contextProps.pageProps} />

  const title = "Vite SSR";

  return html`<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="page-view">${html.dangerouslySetHtml(viewHtml)}</div>
// /pages/_default.page.client.jsx
// Environment: Browser

import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import React from "react";
import { getPage } from "vite-plugin-ssr/client";


async function hydrate() {
  // `Page` and `contextProps` are preloaded in production
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage();

    <Page {...contextProps.pageProps} />,

The render() hook in /pages/_default.page.server.jsx gives you full control over how your pages are rendered, and /pages/_default.page.client.jsx gives you full control over the browser-side code. This control enables you to easily and naturally:

  • Use any tool you want such as React Router and Redux.
  • Use Preact, Inferno, Solid and any other React-like alternative.

Note the suffixes of the files we created:

  • .page.js: exports the page's root React component.
  • .page.client.js (optional): defines the page's browser-side code.
  • .page.server.js (optional): exports the page's hooks (always run in Node.js).
  • .page.route.js (optional): exports the page's Route String or Route Function.

Instead of creating a .page.client.js and .page.server.js file for each page, you can create _default.page.client.js and _default.page.server.js which apply as default for all pages.

We already defined _default files above, which means that all we have to do now to create a new page is to define a new .page.jsx file.

The _default files can be overridden. For example, you can create a page with a different browser-side code than your other pages.

// /pages/about.page.client.js

// This file is empty which means that the `/about` page has zero browser-side JavaScript.
// /pages/about.page.jsx

export { Page };

function Page() {
  return <>This page is only rendered to HTML.<>;

By overriding _default.page.server.js#render you can even render some of your pages with a different view framework, e.g. another React version (for progressive upgrade) or even Vue.

Note how files are collocated and share the same base /pages/about.page.; this is how you tell vite-plugin-ssr that /pages/about.page.client.js is the browser-side code of /pages/about.page.jsx.

Let's now have a look at how to fetch data for a page that has a parameterized route.

// /pages/star-wars/movie.page.jsx
// Environment: Browser, Node.js

import React from "react";

export { Page };

function Page(pageProps) {
  const { movie } = pageProps;
  return <>
    <p>Release Date: {movie.release_date}</p>
    <p>Director: {movie.director}</p>
// /pages/star-wars/movie.page.route.js
// Environment: Node.js

export default "/star-wars/:movieId";
// /pages/star-wars/movie.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import fetch from "node-fetch";

export async function addContextProps({ contextProps }) {
  // The route parameter of `/star-wars/:movieId` is available at `contextProps.movieId`
  const { movieId } = contextProps;

  // `.page.server.js` files always run in Node.js; we could use SQL/ORM queries here.
  const response = await fetch(`https://swapi.dev/api/films/${movieId}`)
  let movie = await response.json();

  // The render/hydrate functions we defined earlier use `contextProps.pageProps`.
  // This is where we define `contextProps.pageProps`.
  const pageProps = { movie };

  // `pageProps` is now available at `contextProps.pageProps`
  return { pageProps };

// By default `contextProps` are available only on the server. But our hydrate function
// we defined earlier runs in the browser and uses `contextProps.pageProps`. We use
// `passToClient` to tell `vite-plugin-ssr` to serialize and make `contextProps.pageProps`
// available in the browser.
export const passToClient = ["pageProps"];

Note that vite-plugin-ssr doesn't know anything about pageProps: it's an object we create to conveniently hold all props of the root React component. (We could have defined movie directly on contextProps.movie but it's cumbersome: our render/hydrate function would then need to know what contextProps should be passed to the root React component, whereas with contextProps.pageProps our render/hydrate function can simply pass contextProps.pageProps to the root React component.)

That's it, we have seen most of vite-plugin-ssr's interface; not only is vite-plugin-ssr flexible but also simple and easy to use.

Get Started


With npm:

npm init vite-plugin-ssr

With Yarn:

yarn create vite-plugin-ssr

A prompt will let you choose between:

  • vue: Vite + SSR + Vue + JavaScript
  • react: Vite + SSR + React + JavaScript
  • vue-ts: Vite + SSR + Vue + TypeScript
  • react-ts: Vite + SSR + React + TypeScript


  • --skip-git: don't initialize a new Git repository

Manual Installation

If you already have an existing Vite app and don't want to start from scratch:

  1. Add vite-plugin-ssr to your vite.config.js.

  2. Integrate createPageRender() to your server (Express.js, Koa, Hapi, Fastify, ...).

  3. Define _default.page.client.js and _default.page.server.js.

  4. Create your first .page.js file.

  5. Add the dev and build scripts to your package.json.


Data Fetching

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

You fech data by defining export { addContextProps, passToClient } in the Page's .page.server.js file.


// /pages/movies.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import fetch from "node-fetch";

export { addContextProps }
// Tell `vite-plugin-ssr` to make `contextProps.pageProps` available in the browser.
// Make sure that `contextProps.pageProps` is serializable: `vite-plugin-ssr` will
// serialize and pass `contextProps.pageProps` to the browser.
export const passToClient = ['pageProps']

async function addContextProps({ contextProps }) {
  // `.page.server.js` files always run in Node.js; we could use SQL/ORM queries here.
  const response = await fetch("https://movies.example.org/api")
  let movies = await response.json()

  // `movies` will be serialized and passed to the browser; we select only the data we
  // need in order to minimize what is sent over the network.
  movies = movies.map(({ title, release_date }) => ({title, release_date}))

  // We could also `return { movies }` but we use an object `pageProps` as convenience.
  const pageProps = { movies }
  return { pageProps }
// /pages/_default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import { renderToHtml, createElement } from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  const pageHtml = await renderToHtml(
    // Our convenience object `pageProps` allows us to pass all root component props at once.
    createElement(Page, contextProps.pageProps)
  /* JSX:
  const pageHtml = await renderToHtml(<Page {...contextProps.pageProps} />)

  return html`<html>
    <div id='view-root'>
// /pages/_default.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'
import { hydrateToDom, createElement } from 'some-view-framework'


async function hydrate() {
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage()
  await hydrateToDom(
    // Thanks to `passToClient = ['pageProps']` our `contextProps.pageProps` is
    // available here in the browser.
    createElement(Page, contextProps.pageProps),
  /* JSX:
  await hydrateToDom(<Page {...contextProps.pageProps} />, document.getElementById('view-root'))
// /pages/movies.page.js
// Environment: Browser, Node.js

export { Page }

// In our `render()` and `hydrate()` functions above, we pass `contextProps.pageProps` to `Page`
function Page(pageProps) {
  const { movies } = pageProps

  // ...

Note that vite-plugin-ssr doesn't know anything about pageProps: it's an object we create to conveniently hold all props of the root component. We could have defined movies directly on contextProps.movies but it's cumbersome: our render/hydrate function would then need to know what contextProps should be passed to the root component, whereas with contextProps.pageProps our render/hydrate function can simply pass contextProps.pageProps to the root component.

Pass contextProps to any/all components

We can pass some contextProps to any/all components of the component tree:

Data Fetching with Stateful Component

We can also fetch data by using a stateful component by making contextProps.routeParams available everywhere with export const passToClient = ['routeParams'] and then pass it to the stateful component. Note that with this technique, the fetched data is not rendered to HTML (which defeats the purpose of SSR).


When using GraphQL with Apollo GraphQL or Relay you can define GraphQL queries/fragments on a component-level, but you still always fetch data globally on a page-level. With vite-plugin-ssr, you do this global fetch in the addContextProps() hook.

In general, with vite-plugin-ssr, you have full control over rendering which means that integrating GraphQL is mostly a matter of following the official SSR guide of the tool you are using (e.g. Apollo GraphQL - SSR Guide).

Store (Vuex/Redux...)

When using a global store (e.g. with Vuex or Redux), your components use the store and don't use the fetched data directly; instead, you use the fetched data to set the initial state of the store. You then render the HTML with that initial store state and then pass the initial store state to the client for hydration, which, with vite-plugin-ssr, you can do with export const passToClient = ['initialStoreState'].

In general, with vite-plugin-ssr, you have full control over rendering which means that integrating a global store is mostly a matter of following the official SSR guide of the tool you are using (e.g. Redux - SSR Guide, Vuex - SSR Guide).


⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

You can choose between three methods to define the URLs of your pages:

  • Filesystem Routing
  • Route Strings
  • Route Functions

There are two routing strategy you can use:

  • Server-side Routing (for simpler architecture)
  • Client-side Routing (for faster and animated page transitions)

Regardless of the routing strategy, your pages' route are defined by Filesystem Routing, Route Strings, and Route Functions.

You can also use a routing library such as Vue Router and React Router (in complete replacement or in combination). For example: /examples/vue-router/ and /examples/react-router/.

Filesystem Routing VS Route Strings VS Route Functions

If a page doesn't have a .page.route.js file then vite-plugin-ssr uses Filesystem Routing:

FILESYSTEM                  URL
pages/index.page.js         /
pages/about.page.js         /about
pages/faq/index.page.js     /faq

To define a parameterized route, or for more control, you can export default a Route String in .page.route.js.

// /pages/product.page.route.js

export default '/product/:productId'

The productId value is available at contextProps.productId so that you can fetch data in async addContextProps({contextProps}) which is explained at Data Fetching.

For full programmatic flexibility, you can define a Route Function.

// /pages/admin.page.route.js

// Route Functions allow us to implement advanced routing such as route guards.
export default ({ url, contextProps }) => {
  if (url === '/admin' && contextProps.user.isAdmin) {
    return { match: true }

For detailed informations about Filesystem Routing, Route Strings, and Route Functions:

Server-side Routing VS Client-side Routing

By default, vite-plugin-ssr does Server-side Routing. (The "old school" way: when the user changes the page, a new HTML request is made.)

If you don't have a strong rationale to do something differently, then stick to Server-side Routing as it leads to a simpler architecture.

That said, vite-plugin-ssr has first-class support for Client-side Routing and you can opt-in by using useClientRouter():

Active Links <a class="is-active">

Pass contextProps.urlPathname (available on both the client and the server) to your link component. You can then set isActive = href===urlPathname in your link component.


⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

With vite-plugin-ssr you can create:

  • SSR pages
  • SPA(/MPA) pages
  • HTML pages (with zero/minimal browser-side JavaScript)

For example, you can render your admin panel as a SPA, while your render your marketing pages as HTML pages.

The rule of thumb is to render a page to:

  • HTML (zero/minimal browser-side JavaScript), if the page has no interactivity (technically speaking: if the page has no stateful component). Example: blog, non-interactive marketing pages.
  • SPA, if the page has interactivity and doesn't need SEO (e.g. the page doesn't need to appear on Google). Example: admin panel, desktop-like web app.
  • SSR, if the page has interactivity and needs SEO (the page needs to rank high on Google). Example: social news website, interactive marketing pages.

To render a page as a SPA, just render static HTML:

// .page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

export function render () {
  // Note that the HTML is static and `div#app-root` is empty.
  return html`<html>
      <title>My Website</title>
      <div id="app-root"/>

To render a page to HTML only, define an empty .page.client.js:

// .page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

// We leave this empty; there is no browser-side JavaScript.

// We can still include CSS
import './path/to/some.css'


⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

*️⃣ What is pre-rendering? Pre-rendering means to pre-generate the HTML of all your pages at once: normally the HTML of a page is generated at request-time (when your user navigates to that page), but with pre-rendering the HTML of a page is generated at build-time instead (when yun run $ vite-plugin-ssr prerender). Your app then consists only of static files (HTML, JS, CSS, images, ...) that you can deploy to so-called "static hosts" such as GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, or Netlify. If you don't use pre-rendering, then you need to use a Node.js server to be able to render your pages' HTML at request-time.

To pre-render your pages, use the CLI command prerender at the end of your build:

  • With npm: run $ npx vite build && npx vite build --ssr && npx vite-plugin-ssr prerender.
  • With Yarn: $ yarn vite build && yarn vite build --ssr && yarn vite-plugin-ssr prerender.

For pages with a parameterized route (e.g. /movie/:movieId), you have to use the prerender() hook.

The prerender() hook can also be used to accelerate the pre-rendering process as it allows you to prefetch data for multiple pages at once.



⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

Information about the authenticated user can be added to the contextProps at the server integration point createPageRender(). The contextProps are available to all hooks and Route Functions.

const renderPage = createPageRender(/*...*/)

app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  const url = req.originalUrl
  // Express.js authentication middlewares provide the logged-in user information
  // on the `req` object, e.g. `req.user` when using Passport.js.
  const user = req.user
  /* Or when using a third-party authentication provider:
  const user = await authProviderApi.getUser(req.headers)
  const contextProps = { user }
  const result = await renderPage({ url, contextProps })
  if (result.nothingRendered) return next()

HTML <head>

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

HTML <head> tags such as <title> and <meta> are defined in the render() hook.

// _default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import { renderToHtml } from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  return html`<html>
      <meta name="description" content="We deliver your payload to space.">
      <div id="root">
        ${html.dangerouslySetHtml(await renderToHtml(Page))}

If you want to define <title> and <meta> tags on a page-by-page basis, you can use contextProps.

// _default.page.server.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import { renderToHtml } from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  // We use `contextProps.docHtml` which pages can define with their `addContextProps()` hook
  let title = contextProps.docHtml.title
  let description = contextProps.docHtml.description

  // Defaults
  title = title || 'SpaceX'
  description = description || 'We deliver your payload to space.'

  return html`<html>
      <meta name="description" content="${description}">
      <div id="root">
        ${html.dangerouslySetHtml(await renderToHtml(Page))}
// about.page.server.js

export { addContextProps }

function addContextProps() {
  const docHtml = {
    // This title and description will overwrite the defaults
    title: 'About SpaceX',
    description: 'Our mission is to explore the galaxy.'
  return { docHtml }

If you want to define <head> tags by some deeply nested view component:

  1. Add docHtml to passToClient.
  2. Pass contextProps.docHtml to all your components.
  3. Modify contextProps.docHtml in your deeply nested component.
// _default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

// We make `contextProps.docHtml` available in the browser.
export const passToClient = ['pageProps', 'docHtml']

export async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  // Use your view framework to pass `contextProps.docHtml` to all components
  // of your component tree. (E.g. React Context or Vue's `app.config.globalProperties`.)

  // What happens here is:
  // 1. Your view framework passes `docHtml` to all your components
  // 2. You modify `docHtml` in one of your components
  // 3. You render the HTML meta tags with `docHtml`
  return html`<html>
      <meta name="description" content="${contextProps.docHtml.description}">
      <div id="app">
// _default.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser


function hydrate() {
  // Thanks to the fact that `passToClient.includes('docHtml')`,
  // `contextProps.docHtml` is available here in the browser.
  // Use your view framework to pass `contextProps.docHtml` to all components
  // of your component tree. (E.g. React Context or Vue's `app.config.globalProperties`.)
// Somewhere in a component deep inside your component tree

// Thanks to our previous steps, `docHtml` is available here.
docHtml.title = 'I was set by some deep component.'
docHtml.description = 'Me too.'

You can also use libraries such as @vueuse/head or react-helmet but use such library only if you have a strong rationale: the solution using contextProps.docHtml is considerably simpler and works for the vast majority of cases.


⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

You can use vite-plugin-ssr with any Vite markdown plugin.

For Vue you can use vite-plugin-md. Example:

For React you can use vite-plugin-mdx. Example:


⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

With vite-plugin-ssr, you have full control over rendering which means that integrating a global store is mostly a matter of following the official SSR guide of the tool you are using (Redux - SSR Guide, Vuex SSR).

While you can follow the official guides exactly as-is (including serializing initial state into HTML), you can also leverage vite-plugin-ssr's export { passToClient } to make your life slightly easier, as shown in the following examples.

Page Redirection

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

Your render() hook doesn't have to return HTML and can, for example, return an object such as { redirectTo: '/some/url' } which is then available at your server integration point createPageRender() (you can then perform a URL redirect there).

// movie.page.route.js
export default "/star-wars/:movieId";
// movie.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

export { addContextProps }

function addContextProps({ contextProps }) {
  // If the user goes to `/movie/42` but there is no movie with ID `42` then
  // we redirect the user to `/movie/add` so he can add a new movie.
  if (contextProps.movieId === null) {
    return { redirectTo: '/movie/add' }
// _default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

export { render }

function render({ contextProps }) {
  const { redirectTo } = contextProps
  if (redirectTo) return { redirectTo }

  // The usual stuff
  // ...
// server.js
// Environment: Node.js

const renderPage = createPageRender(/*...*/)

app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  const url = req.originalUrl
  const contextProps = {}
  const result = await renderPage({ url, contextProps })
  if (result.nothingRendered) {
    return next()
  } else if (result.renderResult?.redirectTo) {
    res.redirect(307, '/movie/add')
  } else {

If you use Client-side Routing, then also redirect at *.page.client.js.

// movie.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

// We make `contextProps.redirectTo` available to the browser for Client-side Routing redirection
export const passToClient = ['redirectTo']
// _default.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { useClientRouter, navigate } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'

  render({ Page, contextProps }) {
    const { redirectTo } = contextProps
    if (redirectTo) {

    // The usual stuff
    // ...

Tailwind CSS

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

  1. npm install vite-plugin-windicss windicss
    # or
    yarn add vite-plugin-windicss windicss
  2. Add vite-plugin-windicss to your vite.config.js.

    import ssr from "vite-plugin-ssr/plugin"
    import WindiCSS from "vite-plugin-windicss"
    export default {
      plugins: [
          scan: {
            // By default only `src/` is scanned
            dirs: ["pages"],
            // You only have to specify the file extensions you actually use.
            fileExtensions: ["vue", "js", "ts", "jsx", "tsx", "html", "pug"]

    Alternatively, you can define these options in windi.config.js.

  3. Add WindiCSS to your _default.page.client.js.

    import 'virtual:windi.css'

That's it.

More in the WindiCSS Vite Guide.

Base URL

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

The Base URL (aka Public Base Path) is about changing the URL root of your Vite app. For example, instead of deploying your Vite app at https://example.org (i.e. base: '/'), you can set base: '/some/nested/path/' and deploy your Vite app at https://example.org/some/nested/path/.

Change Base URL for production:

  1. Use Vite's --base CLI build option: $ vite build --base=/some/nested/path/ && vite build --ssr --base=/some/nested/path/. (For both $ vite build and $ vite build --ssr.)
  2. If you don't pre-render your app: pass base to createPageRender({ base: isProduction ? '/some/nested/path/' : '/' }). (Pre-rendering automatically sets the right Base URL.)
  3. Use the import.meta.env.BASE_URL value injected by Vite to construct a <Link href="/star-wars"> component that prepends the Base URL.

Change Base URL for local dev:

  1. Pass base to createServer({ base: '/some/nested/path/' }) (import { createServer } from 'vite') and createPageRender({ base: '/some/nested/path/' }) (import { createPageRender } from 'vite-plugin-ssr').

You can also set base: 'https://another-origin.example.org/' (for cross-origin deployments) and base: './' (for embedded deployments at multiple paths).


Cloudflare Workers

⚠️ We recommend reading the Vue Tour or React Tour before proceeding with guides.

Make sure to import /dist/server/importer.js in your worker code. (The importer.js makes all dependencies statically analysable so that the entire server code can be bundled into a single worker file.)




Environment: Browser, Node.js
Ext Glob: /**/*.page.*([a-zA-Z0-9])

A *.page.js file should have a export { Page }. (Or a export default.)

Page represents the page's view that is rendered to HTML / the DOM.

vite-plugin-ssr doesn't do anything with Page and just passes it untouched to:

  • Your render({ Page }) hook.
  • The client-side.
// *.page.js
// Environment: Browser, Node.js

export { Page }

// We export a JSX component, but we could as well export a Vue/Svelte/... component,
// or even export some totally custom object since vite-plugin-ssr doesn't do anything
// with `Page`: it just passes it to your `render()` hook and to the client-side.
function Page() {
  return <>Hello</>
// *.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import renderToHtml from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

// `Page` is passed to the `render()` hook
async function render({ Page }) {
  const pageHtml = await renderToHtml(Page)

  return html`<html>
      <div id="root">
// *.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'
import { hydrateToDom } from 'some-view-framework'


async function hydrate() {
  // `Page` is available in the browser.
  const { Page } = await getPage()
  await hydrateToDom(Page)

The .page.js file is lazy-loaded: it is loaded only when needed which means that if no URL request were to match the page's route then .page.js is not loaded in your Node.js process nor in the user's browser.

The .page.js file is usually executed in both Node.js and the browser.


The contextProps object is the accumulation of:

  • contextProps.urlPathname: the URL's pathname (e.g. /product/42)
  • contextProps.urlFull: ${pathname}${search}${hash} (e.g. /product/42?details=yes#reviews)
  • contextProps.urlParsed: { pathname, search, hash } (e.g. { pathname: 'product/42', search: { details: 'yes' }, hash: 'reviews' })
  • Route parameters (e.g. contextProps.movieId for a page with a Route String /movie/:movieId)
  • contextProps.routeParams which contains all route parameters (e.g. contextProps.routeParams.movieId) which allows you to passToClient = ['routeParams'] at once.
  • contextProps you passed at your server integration point createPageRender() (const renderPage = createPageRender(); renderPage({ contextProps }))
  • contextProps you returned in your page's addContextProps() hook (if you defined one)
  • contextProps you returned in your _default.page.server.js's addContextProps() hook (if you defined one)

By default only contextProps.urlPathname, contextProps.urlFull, and contextProps.urlParsed are available in the browser; use export const passToClient: string[] to make more contextProps available in the browser.

The contextProps can be accessed at:

  • (Node.js) export function addContextProps({ contextProps }) (*.page.server.js)
  • (Node.js) export function render({ contextProps }) (*.page.server.js)
  • (Node.js) export function prerender({ contextProps }) (*.page.server.js)
  • (Node.js (& Browser)) export default function routeFunction({ contextProps }) (*.page.route.js)
  • (Browser) const { contextProps } = await getPage() (import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client')
  • (Browser) useClientRouter({ render({ contextProps }) }) (import { useClientRouter } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router')


Environment: Node.js
Ext Glob: /**/*.page.server.*([a-zA-Z0-9])

The .page.server.js file defines and exports

  • export { addContextProps }
  • export { passToClient }
  • export { render }
  • export { prerender }

The .page.server.js file is lazy-loaded: it is loaded only when needed which means that if no URL request were to match the page's route then .page.server.js is not loaded in your Node.js process' memory.

The .page.server.js file is executed in Node.js and never in the browser.

export { addContextProps }

The addContextProps() hook is used to provide further contextProps values.

The contextProps are passed to all hooks (defined in .page.server.js) and all Route Functions (defined in .page.route.js).

You can provide initial contextProps values at your server integration point createPageRender(). This is where you usually pass information about the authenticated user, see Authentication guide.

The addContextProps() hook is usually used in conjunction with const passToClient: string[] to fetch data, see Data Fetching guide.

Since addContextProps() is always called in Node.js, ORM/SQL database queries can be used.

// /pages/movies.page.server.js

import fetch from "node-fetch";

export { addContextProps }

async function addContextProps({ contextProps, Page }){
  const response = await fetch("https://api.imdb.com/api/movies/")
  const { movies } = await response.json()
  /* Or with an ORM:
  const movies = Movie.findAll() */
  /* Or with SQL:
  const movies = sql`SELECT * FROM movies;` */
  return { movies }
  • Page is the export { Page } (or export default) of the .page.js file.
  • contextProps is the initial accumulation of:
    1. The contextProps you provided in your the server integration point createPageRender().
    2. The route parameters (such as contextProps.movieId for a page with a Route String /movie/:movieId).

export { passToClient }

You can tell vite-plugin-ssr what contextProps to send to the browser by using passToClient.

The contextProps are serialized and passed from the server to the browser with devalue.

It is usally used in conjunction with the addContextProps() hook: data is fetched in addContextProps() and then made available to Page.

// *.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import fetch from "node-fetch";

export { passToClient }

// Example of `contextProps` that are often passed to the browser
const passToClient = [
  // `vite-plugin-ssr` makes all route parameters available not only at `contextProps`
  // but also at `contextProps.routeParams` so that they can be sent to the browser all at once.
  // (Deep selection is not implemented yet; open a GitHub ticket if you want this.)
// *.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'


async function hydrate() {
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage()

  // Thanks to `passToClient` all these `contextProps` are available here in the browser

  /* ... */

Or when using Client-side Routing:

// *.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { useClientRouter } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'

  render({ Page, contextProps }) {
    // Thanks to `passToClient` all these `contextProps` are available here in the browser

    /* ... */

export { render }

The render() hook defines how a page is rendered to HTML.

It usually returns an HTML string, but it can also return something else than HTML which we talk more about down below.

// *.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import { renderToHtml, createElement } from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }){
  const pageHtml = await renderToHtml(createElement(Page, contextProps.pageProps))
  return html`<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My SSR App</title>
        <div id="page-root">${html.dangerouslySetHtml(pageHtml)}</div>

Page is the export { Page } (or export default) of the .page.js file being rendered.

The value renderResult returned by your render() hook doesn't have to be HTML: vite-plugin-ssr doesn't do anything with renderResult and just passes it untouched at your server integration point createPageRender().

// *.page.server.js

export { render }

function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  let renderResult
  /* ... */
  return renderResult
// server.js

const renderPage = createPageRender(/*...*/)

app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
  const result = await renderPage({ url: req.originalUrl, contextProps: {} })
  // `result.renderResult` is the value returned by your `render()` hook.
  const { renderResult } = result
  /* ... */

Your render() hook can for example return an object like { redirectTo: '/some/url' } in order to do Page Redirection.

export { prerender }

*️⃣ Check out the Pre-rendering Guide to get an overview about pre-rendering.

The prerender() hook enables parameterized routes (e.g. /movie/:movieId) to be pre-rendered: by defining the prerender() hook you provide the list of URLs (/movie/1, /movie/2, ...) and (optionally) the contextProps of each URL.

If you don't have any parameterized route, then you can prerender your app without defining any prerender() hook. You can, however, still use the prerender() hook to increase the effeciency of pre-rendering as it enables you to fetch data for multiple pages at once.

// /pages/movie.page.route.js
// Environment: Node.js

export default '/movie/:movieId`
// /pages/movie.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

export { prerender }

async function prerender() {
  const movies = await Movie.findAll()

  const moviePages = (
    .map(movie => {
      const url = `/movie/${movie.id}`
      const contextProps = { movie }
      return {
        // Beacuse we already provide the `contextProps`, vite-plugin-ssr will *not* call
        // the `addContextProps()` hook.
      // We could also return `url` wtihout `contextProps`. In that case vite-plugin-ssr would
      // call `addContextProps()`. But that would be wasteful since we already have all the data
      // of all movies from our `await Movie.findAll()` call.
      // return { url }

  // We can also return URLs that don't match the page's route.
  // That way we can provide the `contextProps` of other pages.
  // Here we provide the `contextProps` of the `/movies` page since
  // we already have the data.
  const movieListPage = {
    url: '/movies', // The `/movies` URL doesn't belong to the page's route `/movie/:movieId`
    contextProps: {
      movieList: movies.map(({id, title}) => ({id, title})

  return [movieListPage, ...moviePages]

The prerender() hook is only used when pre-rendering: if you don't call vite-plugin-ssr prerender then no prerender() hook is called.

Vue Example:

React Example:

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

Environment: Node.js

The html tag sanitizes HTML (to prevent XSS injections). It is usually used in your render() hook defined in .page.server.js.

// *.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

export { render }

async function render() {
  const title = 'Hello<script src="https://devil.org/evil-code"></script>'
  const pageHtml = "<div>I'm already <b>sanitized</b>, e.g. by Vue/React</div>"

  // This HTML is safe thanks to the string template tag `html` which sanitizes `title`
  return html`<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="page-root">${html.dangerouslySetHtml(pageHtml)}</div>

All strings, e.g. title, are automatically sanitized (technically speaking: HTML-escaped) so that you can safely include untrusted strings such as user-generated text.

The html.dangerouslySetHtml(str) function injects the string str as-is without sanitizing. It should be used with caution and only for HTML strings that are guaranteed to be already sanitized. It is usually used to include HTML generated by React/Vue/Solid/... as these frameworks always generate sanitized HTML. If you find yourself using html.dangerouslySetHtml() in other situations be extra careful as you run into the risk of creating a security breach.

You can assemble the overall HTML document from several pieces of HTML segments. For example, when you want some HTML parts to be included only for certain pages:

// _default.page.server.js
// Environment: Node.js

import { html } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'
import { renderToHtml } from 'some-view-framework'

export { render }

async function render({ Page, contextProps }) {
  // We only include the `<meta name="description">` tag if the page has a description.
  // (Pages define `contextProps.docHtml.description` with their `addContextProps()` hook.)
  const description = contextProps.docHtml?.description
  let descriptionTag = ''
  if( description ) {
    // Note how we use the `html` string template tag for an HTML segment.
    descriptionTag = html`<meta name="description" content="${description}">`

  // We use the `html` tag again for the overall HTML, and since `descriptionTag` is
  // already sanitized it will not be sanitized again.
  return html`<html>
      <div id="root">
        ${html.dangerouslySetHtml(await renderToHtml(Page))}


Environment: Browser
Ext Glob: /**/*.page.client.*([a-zA-Z0-9])

The .page.client.js file defines the page's browser-side code.

It represents the entire browser-side code. This means that if you create an empty .page.client.js file, then the page has zero browser-side JavaScript. (Except of Vite's dev code when not in production.)

This also means that you have full control over the browser-side code. Not only can you render/hydrate your pages as you wish, but you can also easily & naturally integrate browser libraries.

// *.page.client.js

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'
import { hydrateToDom, createElement } from 'some-view-framework'
import GoogleAnalytics from '@brillout/google-analytics'


async function main() {
  analytics.event('[hydration] begin')
  await hydrate()
  analytics.event('[hydration] end')

async function hydrate() {
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage()
  await hydrateToDom(
    createElement(Page, contextProps.pageProps),

let analytics
function analytics_init() {
  analytics = new GoogleAnalytics('UA-121991291')

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'

Environment: Browser

The async getPage() function provides Page and contextProps to the browser-side.

// *.page.client.js

import { getPage } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client'


async function hydrate() {
  const { Page, contextProps } = await getPage()
  /* ... */
  • Page is the export { Page } (or export default) of the /pages/demo.page.js file.
  • contextProps is a subset of the contextProps defined on the server-side; the passToClient determines what contextProps are sent to the browser.

The contextProps are serialized and passed from the server to the browser with devalue.

In development getPage() dynamically import() the page, while in production the page is preloaded (with <link rel="preload">).

import { useClientRouter } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'

Environment: Browser

By default, vite-plugin-ssr does Server-side Routing. You can do Client-side Routing instead by using useClientRouter().

// *.page.client.js
// Environment: Browser

import { renderToDom, hydrateToDom, createElement } from 'some-view-framework'
import { useClientRouter } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'

const { hydrationPromise } = useClientRouter({
  async render({ Page, contextProps }) {
    const page = createElement(Page, contextProps)
    const container = document.getElementById('page-view')

    // Render the page
    if (isHydration) {
      // This is the first page rendering; the page has been rendered to HTML
      // and we now make it interactive.
      await hydrateToDom(page)
    } else {
      // Render a new page
      await renderToDom(page)

    // We use `contextProps` to update `<title>`.
    // (Make sure to return `docTitle` in your `addContextProps()` hook and add it to `passToClient`.)
    document.title =
      contextProps.docTitle ||
      // A default title

hydrationPromise.then(() => {
  console.log('Hydration finished; page is now interactive.')

function onTransitionStart() {
  console.log('Page transition start')
  // For example:
function onTransitionEnd() {
  console.log('Page transition end')
  // For example:

You can keep your <a href="/some-url"> links as they are: link clicks are intercepted. You can also use import { navigate } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router' to programmatically navigate your user to a new page.

useClientRouter() is fairly high-level, if you need lower-level control, then open a GitHub issue.

Vue example:

React example:

import { navigate } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/client/router'

Environment: Browser, Node.js. (In Node.js navigate() is importable but not callable.)

You can use navigate('/some-url') to programmatically navigate your user to another page (i.e. when navigation isn't triggered by the user clicking on an anchor tag <a>). For example, you can use navigate() to redirect your user after a successful form submission.

import { navigate } from "vite-plugin-ssr/client/router";

// Some deeply nested view component
function Form() {
   return (
     <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>

async function onSubmit() {
  /* ...  */

  const navigationPromise = navigate('/form/success');

  console.log("The URL changed but the new page hasn't rendered yet.");
  await navigationPromise
  console.log("The new page has finished rendering.");

While you can import navigate() in Node.js, you cannot call it: calling navigate() in Node.js throws a [Wrong Usage] error. (vite-plugin-ssr allows you to import navigate() in Node.js because with SSR your view components are loaded in the browser as well as Node.js.)

If you want to redirect your user at page-load time, see the Page Redirection guide.

Vue example:

React example:


Environment: Node.js (and Browser if you call useClientRouter())
Ext Glob: /**/*.page.route.*([a-zA-Z0-9])

The *.page.route.js files enable further control over routing with:

  • Route Strings
  • Route Functions

Route String

For a page /pages/film.page.js, a Route String can be defined in a /pages/film.page.route.js adjacent file.

// /pages/film.page.route.js

// Match URLs `/film/1`, `/film/2`, ...
export default '/film/:filmId'

If the URL matches, the value of filmId is available at contextProps.filmId.

The syntax of Route Strings is based on path-to-regexp (the most widespread route syntax in JavaScript). For user friendlier docs, check out the Express.js Routing Docs (Express.js uses path-to-regexp).

Route Function

Route Functions give you full programmatic flexibility to define your routing logic.

// /pages/film/admin.page.route.js

export default ({ url, contextProps }) {
  // Route Functions allow us to implement advanced routing such as route guards.
  if (! contextProps.user.isAdmin) {
    return false
  // We can use RegExp and any JavaScript tool we want.
  if (! /\/film\/[0-9]+\/admin/.test(url)) {
    return { match: false } // equivalent to `return false`
  filmId = url.split('/')[2]
  return {
    match: true,
    // Add `filmId` to `contextProps`
    contextProps: { filmId }

The match value can be a (negative) number which enables you to resolve route conflicts; the higher the number, the higher the priority.

Filesystem Routing

By default a page is mapped to a URL based on where its .page.js file is located.

FILESYSTEM                        URL              COMMENT
pages/about.page.js               /about
pages/index/index.page.js         /                (`index` is mapped to the empty string)
pages/HELLO.page.js               /hello           (Mapping is done lower case)

The pages/ directory is optional and you can save your .page.js files wherever you want.

FILESYSTEM                        URL
user/list.page.js                 /user/list
user/create.page.js               /user/create
todo/list.page.js                 /todo/list
todo/create.page.js               /todo/create

The directory common to all your *.page.js files is considered the routing root.

For more control over routing, define Route Strings or Route Functions in *.page.route.js.


The _default.page.server.js and _default.page.client.js files are like regular .page.server.js and .page.client.js files, but they are special in the sense that they don't apply to a single page file; instead, they apply as a default to all pages.

There can be several _default:


The marketing/_default.page.* files apply to the marketing/*.page.js files, while the admin-panel/_default.page.* files apply to the admin-panel/*.page.js files.

The _default.page.server.js and _default.page.client.js files are not adjacent to any .page.js file: defining _default.page.js or _default.page.route.js is forbidden.


The page _error.page.js is used for when an error occurs:

  • When no page matches the URL (acting as a 404 page).
  • When one of your .page.* files throws an error (acting as a 500 page).

vite-plugin-ssr automatically sets contextProps.pageProps.is404: boolean allowing you to decided whether to show a 404 or 500 page. (Normally contextProps.pageProps is completely defined/controlled by you and vite-plugin-ssr's source code doesn't know anything about contextProps.pageProps but this is the only exception.)

You can define _error.page.js like any other page and create _error.page.client.js and _error.page.server.js.

import { createPageRender } from 'vite-plugin-ssr'

Environment: Node.js

createPageRender() is the integration point between your server and vite-plugin-ssr.

// server/index.js

// In this example we use Express.js but we could use any other server framework.
const express = require('express')
const { createPageRender } = require('vite-plugin-ssr')
const vite = require('vite')

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
const root = `${__dirname}/..`
const base = '/'


async function startServer() {
  const app = express()

  let viteDevServer
  if (isProduction) {
    app.use(express.static(`${root}/dist/client`, { index: false }))
  } else {
    viteDevServer = await vite.createServer({
      server: { middlewareMode: true }

  const renderPage = createPageRender({ viteDevServer, isProduction, root, base })
  app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => {
    const url = req.originalUrl
    const contextProps = {}
    const result = await renderPage({ url, contextProps })
    if (result.nothingRendered) return next()

  const port = 3000
  console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`)
  • viteDevServer is the Vite dev server.
  • isProduction is a boolean. When set to true, vite-plugin-ssr loads already-transpiled code from dist/ instead of on-the-fly transpiling code.
  • root is the absolute path of your app's root directory. The root directory is usally the directory where vite.config.js lives. Make sure that all your .page.js files are descendent of the root directory.
  • base is the Base URL.
  • result.nothingRendered is true when a) an error occurred while rendering _error.page.js, or b) you didn't define an _error.page.js and no .page.js matches the url.
  • result.statusCode is either 200, 404, or 500.
  • result.renderResult is the value returned by the render() hook.

Since createPageRender() and renderPage() are agnostic to Express.js, you can use vite-plugin-ssr with any server framework (Koa, Hapi, Fastify, vanilla Node.js, ...) and any deploy environment such as Cloudflare Workers.


import ssr from 'vite-plugin-ssr/plugin'

Environment: Node.js

The plugin has no options.

// vite.config.js

const ssr = require('vite-plugin-ssr/plugin')

module.exports = {
  // Make sure to include `ssr()` and not `ssr`.
  plugins: [ssr()]

Command prerender

The command prerender does pre-rendering, see Pre-rendering.

It can be called:

  • As CLI command: $ npx vite-plugin-ssr prerender / $ yarn vite-plugin-ssr prerender.
  • As JavaScript API: import { prerender } from 'vite-plugin-ssr/cli.


  • partial: Allow only a subset of pages to be pre-rendered. (Pages with a parameterized route cannot be pre-rendered without prerender() hook; the --partial option suppresses the warning telling you about pages not being pre-rendered.)
  • root: The root directory of your project (where vite.config.js and dist/ live). Default: process.cwd().

Options are passed like this:

  • CLI: $ vite-plugin-ssr prerender --partial --root path/to/root
  • API: prerender({ partial: true, root: 'path/to/root' })