Utilities for working with XCUI testing.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/ChimeHQ/UITestingPlus", branch: "main")
XCUIApplication Extensions
var windowMenuItemTitles: [String]
var windowMenuItemWindowTitles: [String]
var recentMenuItemTitles: [String]
func launchWithNoWindows()
func closeExistingWindows()
var frontWindow: XCUIElement
func resetLaunchEnvironmentAndArguments()
func quit()
func saveFrontmostDocument() throws
func closeFrontmostDocument() throws
func createNewDocument() throws
func saveDocument(in window: XCUIElement) throws
func saveDocument(in window: XCUIElement, to url: URL, overwrite: Bool = true) throws
func openDocument(with url: URL) -> XCUIElement
Built-in Applications
static let springboard: XCUIApplication
static let safari: XCUIApplication
static let settings: XCUIApplication
static let files: XCUIApplication
static let photos: XCUIApplication
XCUIElement Extensions
Text Editing
func replaceTextWith(_ string: String)
func replaceTextWithPasteboard()
func appendText(_ string: String)
func deleteText()
func stringValue(in range: NSRange? = nil) throws -> String
func navigateTextView(to line: Int, column: Int) throws
func waitForNonExistence(timeout: TimeInterval) -> Bool
Suggestions or Feedback
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