
Stock Trading Web-App

Primary LanguagePython


License: MIT

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A Virtual Stock Trading Website that allows users to buy and sell stocks in real-time using the IEX API.



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  • Live Stock Data Leveraging the API, the user can get realTime data about a given stock price through quoting.

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  • Company Data

    Levraging the API the user can get realTime date about a given stock price through quoting.

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  • Buy Stocks [latest data provided by IEX financial API]

When the user searches for a corporation stock (successful one hopefully) the chosen stock price is quoted through the api and the last price is added to the database as a [dataPoint] representing the user performance on that point in time, this is used later to plot the user history, after that the price is substracted from the users balance and the balance is recorded in the database .

  • User Statistics

The site provides the users with an uptodate information about their performance by calculating the latest price of every stock the user has and modifying the user balance accordingly this is done every time the user refreshes the page the a to keep a reasonable TTFB, (time to first byte), Hashing is used to pervent unnecessary API calls by keeping a dictionary of alraedy quoted stocks.

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  • Mobile Responsive

    Broker is mobile friendly this is acheived using the CSS Media quieries

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