Here's a test change made by me!

Task for a Great Android developer

If you found this task it means we are looking for you!

Note: To clone this repository you will need GIT-LFS

Few simple steps

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Do your best
  3. Prepare pull request and let us know that you are done

Few simple requirements

  • Send authorization request (POST) to to generate token with body: {"username": "tesonet", "password": "partyanimal"}. (Don't forget Content-Type)
  • Get servers list from Add header to request: Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Design should be recreated as closely as possible
  • Bonus: implement smooth animated transition from login through loader to server list screen
  • Bonus: implement persistent storage of the downloaded server data
  • Bonus: have a good set of unit tests

Note: The bonus requirements are optional. While they are nice to have, it's much more important to have the basics nailed.