
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project Requirements

Project Description 1 - Your task is to tell a story with data visualizations. 2 - Focus on providing users an interactive means to explore data themselves. 3 - Prepare a 10-minute presentation that lays out your them, coding approach, data munging techniques, and final visualization. 4 - You may choose a project of any theme, but we encourage yo to think broadly. 5 - You will have ample time in class to work with your group, but expect to put in hours outside of class as well.

Specific Requirements

1 - Your visualization must include a Python Flask-powered API, HTML/CSS, Javascript, and at least one database (SQL, MongoDB, SQLite, etc.). 2 - Your project should fall into one of the below for tracks: * A customer "creative" D3.js project (i.e., a nonstandard graph or chart) * A combination of web scraping and leaflet or Plotly. * A dashboard page with multiple charts that update from the same data. * A "thick" server that performs multiple manipulations on data in a database prior to visualization (must be approved) 3 - Your project should include at least on JS library that we did not cover. 4 - Your project must be powered by a dat set with at least 100 records. 5 - Your project must include some level of user-driven interaction (e.g., menus, dropdowns, textboxes). 6 - Your final visualization should ideally include at least three views.

Happiness Index (https://www.kaggle.com/mathurinache/world-happiness-report)

- Country, Region, Happiness Index, Life Expectancy, Family Size, Freedom GDP, Year, Corruption, Generosity
- Map, Scatter
- Slicers: Year, Region, 

We will create three interactive visualizations to present the data to the user. 1 - global choropleth map 2 - scatter plot graph 3 = raw data chart