
Simple SOCKS5 proxy server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Socks Server

Creates a simple SOCKS5 server and exposes additional SOCKS5 proxy events.

Build Status


npm install simple-socks

Example Usage

In the examples folder exists two examples, one that requires no authentication and one that requires username/password authentication. Below is an example with no authentication:

  socks5 = require('simple-socks'),
  server = socks5.createServer().listen(1080);

// When a reqest arrives for a remote destination
server.on('proxyConnect', function (info, destination) {
  console.log('connected to remote server at %s:%d', info.host, info.port);

  destination.on('data', function (data) {

// When data arrives from the remote connection
server.on('proxyData', function (data) {

// When an error occurs connecting to remote destination
server.on('proxyError', function (err) {
  console.error('unable to connect to remote server');

// When a proxy connection ends
server.on('proxyEnd', function (response, args) {
  console.log('socket closed with code %d', response);

Running The Examples

No Authentication

For a SOCKS5 server that does not require authentication, look at examples/createServer.js:

node examples/createServer

In a separate terminal window:

curl http://www.google.com --socks5

Username/Password Authentication

For a SOCKS5 server that requires username/password authentication, look at examples/createServerWithAuthentication.js:

node examples/createServerWithAuthentication

In a separate terminal window:

curl http://www.google.com --socks5 --proxy-user foo:bar

Connection Filter

For a SOCKS5 server that performs destination address filtering, look at examples/createServerConnectionFilter.js:

node examples/createServerConnectionFilter

In a separate terminal window:

curl http://www.us.gov --socks5 # allowed
curl http://www.google.com --socks5 # denied



Factory method that creates an instance of a SOCKS5 proxy server:

const server = require('simple-socks').createServer();

server.listen(1080, '', function () {
  console.log('SOCKS5 proxy server started on');

This method accepts an optional options argument:

  • options.authentication - A callback for authentication
  • options.connectionFilter - A callback for connection filtering


To make the socks5 server require username/password authentication, supply a function callback in the options as follows:

const socks5 = require('simple-socks');

const options = {
  authenticate : function (username, password, socket, callback) {
    if (username === 'foo' && password === 'bar') {
      return setImmediate(callback);

    return setImmediate(callback, new Error('incorrect username and password'));

const server = socks5.createServer(options);

// begin listening and require user/pass authentication

The authenticate callback accepts three arguments:

  • username - username of the proxy user
  • password - password of the proxy user
  • socket - the socket for the client connection
  • callback - callback for authentication... if authentication is successful, the callback should be called with no arguments


Allows you to filter incoming connections, based on destination, return false to disallow:

server = socks5.createServer({
  connectionFilter : function (port, address, socket, callback) {
    console.log('denying access to %s:%s', address, port);

    return setImmediate(callback, new Error('access to specified destination is denied'));

The connectionFilter callback accepts three arguments:

  • port - the destination address of the connection
  • address - the destination port of the connection
  • socket - the socket for the client connection
  • callback - callback for destination address validation... if connections are allowed to the destination address, the callback should be called with no arguments

For an example, see examples/createServerConnectionFilter.js.


The socks5 server supports all events that exist on a native net.Server object. Additionally, the following events have been added that are specific to the SOCKS5 proxy:

  • handshake - The first event fired and it occurs when a new SOCKS5 client proxy negotiation occurs
  • authenticate - When username/password authentication is configured (see above), this event is fired when a successful authentication occurs
  • authenticateError - When username/password authentication is configured, this event is fired when authentication fails
  • connectionFilter - When a destination address is denied by the configured connection filter callback, this event is fired
  • proxyConnect - After handshake and optional authentication, this event is emitted upon successful connection with the remote destination
  • proxyError - If connection to the remote destination fails, this event is emitted
  • proxyData - When data is recieved from the remote destination, this event is fired
  • proxyEnd - This event is emitted when the SOCKS5 client connection is closed for any reason


This module exports the above events as constants for convenience purposes via the property events:


Outputs the following:

{ AUTHENTICATION: 'authenticate',
  AUTHENTICATION_ERROR: 'authenticateError',
  CONNECTION_FILTER: 'connectionFilter',
  HANDSHAKE: 'handshake',
  PROXY_CONNECT: 'proxyConnect',
  PROXY_DATA: 'proxyData',
  PROXY_END: 'proxyEnd',
  PROXY_ERROR: 'proxyError' }


This is event is emitted when a socks5 client connects to the server. The callback accepts a single argument:

// When a new request is initiated
server.on('handshake', function (socket) {
  console.log('new socks5 client from %s:%d', socket.remoteAddress, socket.remotePort);


This event is emitted when successful authentication occurs. The callback accepts a single argument:

  • username - the username of the successfully authenticated SOCKS5 proxy user
// When authentication succeeds
server.on('authenticate', function (username) {
  console.log('user %s successfully authenticated!', username);


This event is emitted when authentication is not successful. The callback accepts the following arguments:

  • username - the username of the SOCKS5 proxy user
  • err - the error returned to the options.authenticate callback
// When authentication fails
server.on('authenticateError', function (username, err) {
  console.log('user %s failed to authenticate...', username);


This event is emitted when a destination address and port is filtered by the connectionFilter callback. The callback accepts the following arguments:

  • port - the destination port
  • address - the destination address
  • err - the error returned to the options.connectionFilter callback
// When a destination connection is filtered
server.on('connectionFilter', function (port, address, err) {
  console.log('connection to %s:%s has been denied', address, port);


This event is emitted each time a connection is requested to a remote destination. The callback accepts two arguments:

  • info - object with two fields
    • host - the TCP address of the remote server
    • port - the TCP port of the remote server
  • destination - the destination TCP net.Socket
// When a reqest arrives for a remote destination
server.on('proxyConnect', function (info, destination) {
  console.log('connected to remote server at %s:%d', info.host, info.port);


This event is emitted each time a remote connection returns data:

// When a reqest arrives for a remote destination
server.on('proxyData', function (data) {
  console.log('data received from remote destination: %d', data.length);

Note: This can also be accomplished by listening to the data event on the destination connection received in the proxyConnect event:

// When a reqest arrives for a remote destination
server.on('proxyConnect', function (info, destination) {
  destination.on('data', function (data) {
    console.log('data received from remote destination: %d', data.length);


In the event that a network error occurs attempting to create communication with the destination, this event is raised.

// When an error occurs connecting to remote destination
server.on('proxyError', function (err) {
  console.error('unable to connect to remote server');


When a socket connection is closed by the server, the proxyEnd event is emitted. It returns two arguments in the callback:

  • response - the specific RFC 1928 documented response code
  • args - RFC 1928 fields for the proxy request including
    • ver
    • cmd
    • atype
    • dst.addr
    • dst.port
// When a proxy connection ends
server.on('proxyEnd', function (response, args) {
  console.log('socket closed with code %d', response);