
JavaScript implementation to find all possible paths in a graph

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JavaScript implementation to find all possible paths in a graph


This plugin uses some ES6 features. You can run the latest version on NodeJS v4.0.0 or newer

npm install node-all-paths --save


Basic example:

const Graph = require('node-all-paths')

const graph = new Graph()

graph.addNode('A', { B:1 });
graph.addNode('B', { C:2, D: 4 });
graph.addNode('C', { D:1 });
graph.addNode('D', { });

route.path('A', 'D') // => [ [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], [ "A", "B", "D" ] ]




  • Object nodes optional: Initial nodes graph.

A nodes graph must follow this structure:

  node: {
    neighbor: cost Number
  'A': {
    'B': 1
  'B': {
    'C': 2,
    'D': 4


const route = new Graph()

// or with pre-populated graph
const route = new Graph({
  'A': { 'B': 1 },
  'B': { 'A': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 4 }

Graph#addNode(name, edges)

Add a node to the nodes graph


  • String name: name of the node
  • Object edges: object containing the name of the neighboring nodes and their cost


Returns this allowing chained calls.

const route = new Graph()

route.addNode('A', { B: 1 })

// chaining is possible
route.addNode('B', { C: 3 }).addNode('C', { });

Graph#path(start, goal [, options])


  • String start: Name of the starting node
  • String goal: Name of out goal node
  • Object options optional: Addittional options:
    • Boolean trim, deafult false: If set to true, the result won't include the start and goal nodes
    • Boolean reverse, default false: If set to true, the result will be in reverse order, from goal to start
    • Boolean cost, default false: If set to true, an object will be returned with the following keys:
      • Array path: Computed path (subject to other options)
      • Number cost: Total cost for the found path


If options.cost is false (default behaviour) an Array will be returned, containing the name of the crossed nodes. By default it will be ordered from start to goal, and those nodes will also be included. This behaviour can be changes with options.trim and options.reverse (see above)

If options.cost is true, an Object with keys path and cost will be returned. path follows the same rules as above and cost is the total cost of the found route between nodes.

When to route can be found, the path will be set to null.

const Graph = require('node-all-paths')

const route = new Graph()

route.addNode('A', { B:1 });
route.addNode('B', { C:2, D: 4 });
route.addNode('C', { D:1 });
route.addNode('D', { });

route.path('A', 'D') // => [ [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], [ "A", "B", "D" ] ]

// trimmed
route.path('A', 'D', { trim: true }) // => [ [ "B", "C" ], [ "B" ] ]

// reversed
route.path('A', 'D', { reverse: true }) // => [ [ "D", "C", "B", "A" ], [ "D", "B", "A" ] ]

// include the cost
route.path('A', 'D', { cost: true })
// => [
//      {
//        "path": [
//          "A",
//          "B",
//          "C",
//          "D"
//        ],
//        "cost": 1
//      },
//      {
//        "path": [
//          "A",
//          "B",
//          "D"
//        ],
//        "cost": 4
//      }
//    ]