Bash Profile Settings
I forked this bash_profile from Nathaniel Landau and added a few additions
Since then I have cleared out ones that I do not use much, if at all, and added a few of my own. I also had a re-arrangement of certain aliases groupings to make it a bit more tidy
Some additions:
pyjss: Added this for use with JSS Python Helper
appV: Displays the kMDItemVersion
flushDNS: Flushes DNS cache.
Some apps were installed and the defaults remapped to these after reading Remy Sharps blog on his improved CLi
The following apps were installed using Homebrew
brew install bat prettyping fzf glances diff-so-fancy fd nnn tldr ack ag jq
cat -> bat
ping -> prettyping
du -> ncdu
help -> tldr
preview -> fzf
top -> glances