
yazi integration for plain vim

Primary LanguageVim Script


Integration for yazi in vim. Inspired by ranger.vim, but made for the way I use vim. This plugin is not nvim-compatible; if you use nvim try one of the plugins linked in yazi's documentation.


With vim-plug:

Plug 'chriszarate/yazi.vim'


  • Yazi or YaziCurrentFile opens yazi with the current file highlighted
  • YaziCurrentDirectory opens yazi with the current directory highlighted
  • YaziWorkingDirectory opens yazi with the working directory highlighted

The chosen file(s) will be opened as new buffers (edit). By default, Yazi is called instead of netrw when opening a directory in vim.


Maps I like:

nnoremap <silent> - :Yazi<cr>
nnoremap <silent> _ :YaziWorkingDirectory<cr>


const g:yazi_command = 'yazi --with-args' " default 'yazi'
const g:yazi_exec_on_open = 'tabnew'      " default 'edit'


Either create your desired split before calling Yazi or create a map that splits and calls Yazi:

nnoremap <silent> <C-v> :vsplit \| :Yazi<cr>