HTTP core types for Zig inspired by Rust http.
Create an HTTP request
const Request = @import("http").Request;
const std = @import("std");
var request = try Request.builder(std.testing.allocator)
.header("GOTTA-GO", "FAST")
defer request.deinit();
Create an HTTP response
const Response = @import("http").Request;
const StatusCode = @import("http").StatusCode;
const std = @import("std");
var response = try Response.builder(std.testing.allocator)
.header("GOTTA-GO", "FAST")
defer response.deinit();
// The default constructor
fn init(allocator: *Allocator) Headers
// Add a header name and value
fn append(self: *Headers, name: []const u8, value: []const u8) !void
// Retrieve the first matching header
fn get(self: Headers, name: []const u8) ?Header
// Retrieve a list of matching headers
fn list(self: Headers, name: []const u8) ![]Header
// Retrieve the number of headers
fn len(self: Headers) usize
// Retrieve all headers
fn items(self: Headers) []Header
Header issues are tracked here: #2
const Request = struct {
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
version: Version,
headers: Headers,
body: []const u8,
// The default constructor to start building a request
fn builder(allocator: *Allocator) RequestBuilder
// Release the memory allocated by the headers
fn deinit(self: *Request) void
// The default constructor
default(allocator: *Allocator) RequestBuilder
// Set the request's payload.
// This function returns the final request objet or a potential error
// collected during the build steps
fn body(self: *RequestBuilder, value: []const u8) RequestError!Request
// Shortcut to define a CONNECT request to the provided URI
fn connect(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a DELETE request to the provided URI
fn delete(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a GET request to the provided URI
fn get(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define an HEAD request to the provided URI
fn head(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Set a request header name and value
fn header(self: *RequestBuilder, name: []const u8, value: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Set the request's method
fn method(self: *RequestBuilder, value: Method) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define an OPTIONS request to the provided URI
fn options(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a PATCH request to the provided URI
fn patch(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a POST request to the provided URI
fn post(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a PUT request to the provided URI
fn put(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Shortcut to define a TRACE request to the provided URI
fn trace(self: *RequestBuilder, _uri: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Set the request's URI
fn uri(self: *RequestBuilder, value: []const u8) *RequestBuilder
// Set the request's protocol version
fn version(self: *RequestBuilder, value: Version) *RequestBuilder
const Response = struct {
status: StatusCode,
version: Version,
headers: Headers,
body: []const u8,
// The default constructor to start building a response
fn builder(allocator: *Allocator) ResponseBuilder
// The default constructor
default(allocator: *Allocator) ResponseBuilder
// Set the response's payload.
// This function returns the final response objet or a potential error
// collected during the build steps
fn body(self: *ResponseBuilder, value: []const u8) ResponseError!Response
// Set a response header name and value
fn header(self: *ResponseBuilder, name: []const u8, value: []const u8) *ResponseBuilder
// Set the response's status code
fn status(self: *ResponseBuilder, value: StatusCode) *ResponseBuilder
// Set the response's protocol version
fn version(self: *ResponseBuilder, value: Version) *ResponseBuilder
- Connect
- Custom
- Delete
- Get
- Head
- Options
- Patch
- Post
- Put
- Trace
A lot; the list is available on MDN.
- Http09
- Http10
- Http11
- Http2
- Http3
- OutOfMemory
- Invalid
- OutOfMemory
- UriRequired
- URI errors
- OutOfMemory
To work with http you will need the latest stable version of Zig, which is currently Zig 0.7.0.
http is released under the BSD Zero clause license. 🎉🍻
The URI parser is a fork of Vexu's zuri under the MIT License.