
This Go project provides a utility for moving files from a source location (local or SFTP) to multiple destination folders on a local system. It also allows you to set a maximum limit on the number of files in each destination folder. When a destination folder reaches its maximum capacity, any additional files will be moved to an overflow folder.


  • Move files from a source location (local or SFTP) to multiple destination folders.
  • Specify a maximum limit for the number of files in each destination folder.
  • Automatically move files to an overflow folder when a destination folder is full.
  • Configurable source and destination paths.
  • Supports both local file systems and SFTP servers.


  • Go 1.20 or above


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Change to the project directory:
cd FileFlow
  1. Build the project:
go build


The configuration for the utility is stored in a config.yaml file. Before running the program, make sure to configure the following settings:

delay: 2
  - name: Move ACME files
    server: localhost
    port: 22
    private_key_path: /Users/batman/.ssh/test.sftp.privatekey.file
    from: sftp/acme
    pattern: .+
      - /Users/Batman/fileflow/acme
    overflow_folder: /Users/Batman/fileflow/overflow
    max_file_count: 3

  - name: Move from ACME overflow
    from: /Users/Batman/fileflow/overflow
    pattern: .+
      - /Users/Batman/fileflow/acme
    max_file_count: 3

Update the from with the directory where the source files are located. Adjust the max_file_count value to set the maximum number of files that each destination folder can hold. Specify the overflow_folder where files will be moved if a destination folder is full.

You can configure multiple destination folders by adding additional entries under the to section.


Once you have configured the settings in the config.yaml file, run the FileFlow executable. The program will start moving files from the source location to the destination folders according to the specified rules.

./FileFLow config.yaml

The program will continuously monitor the source directory for new files. As files are detected, they will be distributed across the destination folders based on the maximum file limit. If a destination folder is full, files will be moved to the overflow folder.

To stop the application, simply press Ctrl + C in the terminal.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest enhancements, please open an issue or submit a pull request to the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.