
Javascript events for Half-Life: Alyx dumped from client.dll

Panorama Javascript

Event related functions

Function Signature Description
DispatchEvent DispatchEvent(eventName, [panelId,] arg1, arg2, ... ) Dispatch an event
DispatchEventAsync DispatchEventAsync(delaySeconds, eventName, [panelId,] arg1, arg2, ...) Dispatch an event to occur later
RegisterEventHandler RegisterEventHandler(eventName, panelId, callback) Register an event handler
RegisterForUnhandledEvent RegisterForUnhandledEvent(eventName, callback) Register a handler for an event that is not otherwise handled
UnregisterForUnhandledEvent UnregisterForUnhandledEvent( js_raw_args js_raw_args_1 ) Remove an unhandled event handler



Event name Arg count Panel event Arg names Description ???
Activated 1 true 0
ActivateMainWindow 1 false 0
ActiveControllerTypeChanged 1 false 0
AddonCheckStatus 0 false 0
AddonDownVoteButton 0 false 0
AddonInfoButton 0 false 0
AddonMapMouseOver 0 false 0
AddonMapSelected 0 false 0
AddonToggleButton 0 false 0
AddonUpVoteButton 0 false 0
AddStyle 1 true "class" "Add a CSS class to a panel." 0
AddStyleAfterDelay 2 true "class, pre-delay" "Add a CSS class to a panel after a specified delay. " 0
AddStyleToEachChild 1 true "class" "Add a CSS class to all children of this panel." 0
AddTimedStyle 3 true "class, duration, pre-delay" "Add a class for a specified duration, with optional pre-delay; clears existing timers when called with same class. " 0
AdvanceAnimatedImageStripFrame 0 false 0
AnimationEnd 1 true 0
AsyncPanoramaQuitWithError 1 false 0
AsyncPanoramaSurfaceLost 0 false 0
AsyncPanoramaSurfaceReturned 0 false 0
BeginDebuggerInspect 0 false 0
BrowserGoToURL 1 true 0
BugSubmitPanel_ChangeUser 0 false 0
BugSubmitPanel_CompleteUserSelection 0 false 0
BugUserPanel_OnBugUserSelected 1 false 0
BugUserPanel_ScrollToLetter 1 false 0
BugUserPanel_SelectUser 1 false 0
ButtonBackward 0 false 0
ButtonForward 0 false 0
CarouselAutoScroll 1 false 0
CarouselChildrenChanged 0 true 0
CarouselNavControlsUpdated 0 false 0
CarouselNavIncrementSelectedInde 1 false 0
CarouselNavSetSelectedIndex 1 false 0
ChangeUser 0 false 0
CheckChildrenScrolledIntoView 0 true 0
ChildIndexSelected 1 true 0
ClearImageSource 0 true 0
ClearPanelEvent 1 true 0
ClientUI_CloseDialog 0 false 0
ClientUI_FireOutput 1 false 0
ClientUI_FireOutputStr 2 false 0
ClientUIStateChanged 2 false 0
CloseModalDialog 0 false 0
CombineConsoleCompleted 0 false 0
ContextMenu 1 true 0
ContextMenuEventDirect 1 true 0
CopySelectedLabelText 0 true 0
CopyStringToClipboard 2 true 0
CycleMouseOver 0 false 0
DaisyWheelNextFocus 0 false 0
DaisyWheelSettings 0 false 0
DaisyWheelShowThisLanguage 1 false 0
DaisyWheelSwitchLanguage 0 false 0
DebugStyleStatus 1 false 0
DelayLoadListLoadVisiblePanels 3 false 0
DeletePanel 0 true 0
DismissAllContextMenus 0 false 0
DispatchPanelEvent 1 true 0
DispatchVideoPlayerEvent 2 false 0
DOTAAcceptSteamFriendRequest 1 false 0
DOTAAddSteamFriend 1 false 0
DOTAEditAvatarImage 1 false 0
DOTAIgnoreSteamFriendRequest 1 false 0
DOTAIgnoreUser 1 false 0
DOTARemoveSteamFriend 1 false 0
DOTAShowSteamVoiceSettings 0 false 0
DOTASteamChatWithFriend 1 false 0
DOTASteamOverlayFinished 1 false 0
DOTAUnignoreUser 1 false 0
DOTAUserIgnoreStateChanged 1 false 0
DOTAViewSteamProfile 1 false 0
DragStart 1 true 0
DragZoomWaitForContentPanelToDis 3 false 0
DropDownMenuClosed 2 false 0
DropdownMenuFocusChanged 1 true 0
DropDownSelectionChanged 0 true 0
DropDownSelectNext 0 false 0
DropDownSelectPrevious 0 false 0
DumpMemory 0 false 0
EdgeScrollerDown 1 false 0
EdgeScrollerLeft 1 false 0
EdgeScrollerRight 1 false 0
EdgeScrollerUp 1 false 0
ExecuteSteamURL 1 false 0
ExitSteam 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogCancel 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogClose 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogDoubleClickFile 1 true 0
FileOpenDialogFilesSelected 1 true 0
FileOpenDialogFolderUp 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogFullPathChanged 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogOpen 0 false 0
FileOpenDialogSelectFile 1 true 0
FindLongestStringForLocVariable 0 true 0
GameControllerMappingChanged 0 false 0
GameMenu_AddonMapMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_AddonMapSelected 1 false 0
GameMenu_BeginBug 0 false 0
GameMenu_BrowseWorkshopItemMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_BrowseWorkshopItemSelected 1 false 0
GameMenu_CancelBug 0 false 0
GameMenu_ChapterMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_ChapterSelected 1 false 0
GameMenu_Close 0 false 0
GameMenu_Cmd 1 false 0
GameMenu_CmdAndClose 1 false 0
GameMenu_CmdCloseAndPostEvent 2 false 0
GameMenu_ExitOptions 0 false 0
GameMenu_LoadItemMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_LocalAddonItemMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_LocalAddonItemSelected 1 false 0
GameMenu_MapSelectFilterChanged 0 false 0
GameMenu_MouseOut 2 false 0
GameMenu_MouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_OptionMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_RefreshAddonList 0 false 0
GameMenu_SaveSlotFilterChanged 0 false 0
GameMenu_SaveSlotMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenu_SaveSlotSelected 1 false 0
GameMenu_StartAddonGameMouseOver 1 false 0
GameMenuNavigation_Cmd 1 false 0
GameMenuNavigation_CmdButton 1 true 0
GameMenuPlayAnimation_Cmd 1 false 0
GamepadInput 1 false 0
GamepadInserted 0 false 0
GamepadRemoved 0 false 0
GoOffline 0 false 0
GoOnline 0 false 0
GridDirectionalMove 0 true 0
GridFlickTimeout 0 true 0
GridInFastMotion 0 true 0
GridMotionTimeout 0 true 0
GridPageLeft 0 true 0
GridPageRight 0 true 0
GridStoppingFastMotion 0 true 0
GuideButton 0 false 0
GuideButtonUp 0 false 0
HMTLLinkAtPosition 2 true 0
HTMLCommitZoom 1 true 0
HTMLFormHasFocus 2 true 0
HTMLJSAlert 2 true 0
HTMLScreenShotCaptured 2 true 0
HTMLStartMousePanning 2 true 0
HTMLTitle 1 true 0
IfHasClassEvent 2 true "class, eventToFire" "Fire another event if this panel has a given class." 0
IfHoverOtherEvent 2 true "otherPanelID, eventToFire" "Fire another event if currently hovering over a panel with the given ID." 0
IfNotHasClassEvent 2 true "class, eventToFire" "Fire another event if this panel does not have a given class." 0
IfNotHoverOtherEvent 2 true "otherPanelID, eventToFire" "Fire another event if not currently hovering over a panel with the given ID." 0
ImageFailedLoad 1 true 0
InMemoryFilesSaved 0 false 0
InputFocusLost 0 true 0
InputFocusSet 0 true 0
InputFocusTopLevelChanged 1 false 0
JSConsoleOutput 2 false 0
JSONWebAPIResponse 2 true 0
MainMenu_BackToMainMenu 0 false 0
MainMenu_ContinueGame 0 false 0
MainMenu_LoadGame 1 false 0
MainMenu_NewGame 0 false 0
MainMenu_QuitGame 0 false 0
MainMenu_StartChapter 1 false 0
MainMenu_ViewOptions 0 false 0
MainMenu_ViewSaveGameList 0 false 0
MediaPlayPause 0 false 0
MediaPrevTrack 0 false 0
MediaStop 0 false 0
MediaVolumeDown 0 false 0
MediaVolumeMute 0 false 0
MediaVolumeUp 0 false 0
MinimizeApp 0 false 0
MouseScroll 1 true 0
MoveDown 1 false 0
MoveLeft 1 false 0
MovePanelDown 1 true "repeatCount" "Move down from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently." 0
MovePanelLeft 1 true "repeatCount" "Move left from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently." 0
MovePanelRight 1 true "repeatCount" "Move right from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently." 0
MovePanelUp 1 true "repeatCount" "Move up from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently." 0
MoveRight 1 false 0
MoveUp 1 false 0
MoviePlayerAudioStart 0 true 0
MoviePlayerAudioStop 0 true 0
MoviePlayerFastForward 0 false 0
MoviePlayerFullscreenControl 0 false 0
MoviePlayerJumpBack 0 false 0
MoviePlayerPlaybackEnded 1 true 0
MoviePlayerPlaybackStop 0 true 0
MoviePlayerSelectVideoQuality 0 false 0
MoviePlayerSetRepresentation 1 false 0
MoviePlayerTogglePlayPause 0 false 0
MoviePlayerUIVisible 0 true 0
MoviePlayerVolumeControl 0 false 0
NextSearch 0 false 0
NumberEntryDecrementValue 0 false 0
NumberEntryIncrementValue 0 false 0
OnCoverCreditsDrawer 0 false 0
OnCreditsCheckStatus 0 false 0
OnCreditsDoneSkipping 0 false 0
OnCreditsSkippedByPlayer 0 false 0
OnUncoverCreditsDrawer 0 false 0
OnUpdateCreditsDrawerName 0 false 0
OnUpdateUIDDrawer 0 false 0
OpenFileForEdit 4 false 0
OverlayGamepadInputMsg 2 false 0
PadBackButton 0 false 0
PadBackButtonUp 0 false 0
PageDown 0 false "Scroll the panel down by one page." 0
PageLeft 0 false "Scroll the panel left by one page." 0
PagePanelDown 0 true "Scroll the panel down by one page." 0
PagePanelLeft 0 true "Scroll the panel left by one page." 0
PagePanelRight 0 true "Scroll the panel left by one page." 0
PagePanelUp 0 true "Scroll the panel up by one page." 0
PageRight 0 false "Scroll the panel right by one page." 0
PageUp 0 false "Scroll the panel up by one page." 0
PanelDoneWithDisplay 0 true 0
PanelLayoutInvalidated 0 true 0
PanelLoaded 0 true 0
PanelNeedsRepaint 0 true 0
PanelRequestedSecondaryLayout 0 true 0
PanelStyleChanged 0 true 0
PanelStylesInvalidated 0 true 0
PanoramaDebuggerClosed 0 false 0
PanoramaDebuggerOpened 0 false 0
PlayerHoverOverGeneric 0 false 0
PlayerHoverOverUpgrade 1 false 0
PlayerHoverOverUpgradeClear 1 false 0
PlayerSelectedPrint 1 false 0
PlayerSelectedPrintBack 0 false 0
PlayerSelectedPrintSubmenu 0 false 0
PlayerSelectedUpgrade 1 false 0
PlaySoundEffectIfPanelEnabled 1 true 0
PollingForSteamClientUpdate 0 true 0
PrevSearch 0 false 0
ProfileOff 0 false 0
ProfileOn 0 false 0
PropertyTransitionEnd 1 true 0
RadioSelected 1 true 0
ReadyForDisplay 0 true 0
ReadyPanelForDisplay 0 true 0
RebuildDebugLayout 0 false 0
Refresh 0 false 0
ReloadStyleFile 1 false 0
RemoveExpiredTimedStyles 0 true 0
RemoveStyle 1 true "class" "Remove a CSS class from a panel." 0
RemoveStyleAfterDelay 2 true "class, pre-delay" "Remove a CSS class from a panel after a specified delay. " 0
RemoveStyleFromEachChild 1 true "class" "Remove a CSS class from all children of this panel." 0
ResetCarouselMouseWheelCounts 0 false 0
ResetToDefaultValue 0 true 0
RestartMachine 1 false 0
ScrollDown 0 false "Scroll the panel down by one line." 0
ScrolledIntoView 0 true 0
ScrolledOutOfView 0 true 0
ScrollFlickTimeout 0 true 0
ScrollInertiaTimeout 0 true 0
ScrollLeft 0 false "Scroll the panel left by one line." 0
ScrollPanelDown 0 true "Scroll the panel down by one line." 0
ScrollPanelIntoView 2 true 0
ScrollPanelRight 0 true "Scroll the panel right by one line." 0
ScrollPanelUp 0 true "Scroll the panel up by one line." 0
ScrollRight 0 false "Scroll the panel right by one line." 0
ScrollToBottom 0 true "Scroll this panel to the bottom." 0
ScrollToDelayLoadListItem 3 true 0
ScrollToTop 0 true "Scroll this panel to the top." 0
ScrollUp 0 false "Scroll the panel up by one line." 0
SetAllChildrenActivationEnabled 1 true 0
SetCarouselSelectedChild 1 false 0
SetDebugTarget 1 false 0
SetImageSource 1 true 0
SetInputFocus 0 true "Set focus to this panel." 0
SetPanelEnabled 1 true "enabled" "Sets whether the given panel is enabled" 0
SetPanelEvent 2 true 0
SetPlayerForHUD 2 false 0
SetPlayerForWristHUD 2 false 0
SettingsPanelShown 0 false 0
ShowDebugComputed 0 false 0
ShowDebugDevInfo 1 false 0
ShowDebugStyle 0 false 0
ShowPanelZoo 0 false 0
ShowQuitDialog 0 false 0
ShowTooltip 0 true 0
ShutdownMachine 0 false 0
SlottedSliderValueChanged 1 true 0
SoftwareKeyboardVisibilityChange 1 false 0
SoundFinished 2 false 0
SoundMuteChanged 1 false 0
SoundVolumeChanged 2 false 0
StartButton 0 false 0
StartButtonUp 0 false 0
SteamLeaderboardUpdated 1 false 0
SteampadGuideButton 0 false 0
SteampadGuideButtonUp 0 false 0
StopStreaming 0 false 0
StopStreamingAndSuspendClient 0 false 0
StyleClassesChanged 0 true 0
StyleFlagsChanged 0 true 0
SuspendMachine 0 false 0
SwitchStyle 2 true "slot, class" "Switch which class the panel has for a given attribute slot. Allows easily changing between multiple states." 0
SystemInputLanguageChanged 0 false 0
TabBackward 1 false 0
TabForward 1 false 0
TabSelected 1 true 0
TextEntryChanged 0 true 0
TextEntryCopyToClipboard 0 true 0
TextEntryCutToClipboard 0 true 0
TextEntryEscape 0 true 0
TextEntryHideTextInputHandler 0 true 0
TextEntryInsertFromClipboard 0 true 0
TextEntryScrollToCursor 0 true 0
TextEntrySetText 1 true 0
TextEntrySubmit 1 true 0
TextInputAnalogStickPassthrough 1 true 0
TextInputDaisyWheelOnGamePadAnal 0 false 0
TextInputFinished 2 true 0
TextInputPickPanelDebouncePicked 1 true 0
ToggleButton 0 false 0
ToggleDebugger 0 false 0
ToggleFullscreen 2 false 0
TogglePanelSelected 0 true "Toggle whether this panel is :selected." 0
ToggleStyle 1 true "class" 0x1809b5c48 0
TooltipHidden 0 true 0
TooltipVisible 0 true 0
TopLevelWindowClose 1 false 0
TopLevelWindowVisibilityChanged 1 false 0
TriggerStyle 1 true "class" "Remove then immediately add back a CSS class from a panel. Useful to re-trigger events like animations or sound effects." 0
TurnOffActiveController 0 false 0
UnreadyForDisplay 0 true 0
UpdateCountdownInternal 1 false 0
UpdateDirtyPanelInfo 0 false 0
UpdateFocusAndDirtyChildStyles 0 false 0
UpdateHUD 0 false 0
UpdateJSConsoleNextHistory 0 false 0
UpdateJSConsolePriorHistory 0 false 0
UpdatePanelPaintInfo 0 false 0
UpdateStyleInMemory 0 false 0
UserInputActive 0 false 0
VideoPlayerChangedRepresentation 1 false 0
VideoPlayerEnded 1 false 0
VideoPlayerFreeAudio 1 false 0
VideoPlayerInitalized 1 false 0
VideoPlayerInitAudio 3 false 0
VideoPlayerPlaybackStateChange 1 false 0
VideoPlayerRepeated 1 false 0
VolumeSliderValueChanged 1 false 0
VRTouchApproach 5 false 0
VRTouchApproachStart 2 false 0
VRTouchApproachStop 2 false 0
WindowCursorHidden 1 false 0
WindowCursorShown 1 false 0
WindowGotFocus 1 false 0
WindowHidden 1 false 0
WindowLostFocus 1 false 0
WindowOffScreen 1 false 0
WindowOnScreen 1 false 0
WindowShown 1 false 0