
A project template for a small Docker image (11.4 MB) containing a service based on the Rust programming language and the Tokio platform.

Primary LanguageRust

This repository provides a template for a service utilizing the Rust programming language and the Tokio platform. The templates includes a Dockerfile for building a small (11.4MB) Docker image based on Alpine Linux and a docker-compose file to deploy the container while adding a route to Traefik.


Install the Rustup toolchain manager according to the instructions for your platform. Then run the following commands to install a nightly Rust toolchain and build a release binary.

rustup install nightly
cargo +nightly build --release

To compile against musl for deployment on Alpine Linux add a target as follows.

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl


Run the following line to build an image from the Dockerfile.

docker build .

Consider fixing the versions of the rust and alpine containers in the Dockerfile instead of using the "latest" tag.


If you are on NixOS you can use the provided shell.nix.
