
An implementation of the latent Dirichlet allocation.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Implement variational inference algorithm for latent dirichlet allocation. Train model on a small subset of wikipedia. Evaluate and visualize with pyLDAvis

To reproduce check the following scripts:

  • scripts/setup_anaconda_env.bash to build suitable anaconda-environment.
  • scripts/00_setup.bash to download the wikipedia dataset.
  • scripts/extractSmallSubset.bash to extract a subset of the dataset.
  • scripts/01_preprocess.bash to process xml files and save the dictionary and wordcounts for each document.
  • scripts/02_training.bash to estimate the distribution parameters and save the
  • to visualize run the jupyter-notebook with the same name and point it to the location of your trained model (by setting the path in the second cell). A Small model is in

There are three relevant Python classes in the package lda.

  • Dataset in lda/dataset.py for all corpus preprocessing operations as well as loading and saving datasets in the native Python serialization format pickle.
  • LDA in lda/inference.py to perform the inference algorithm on a dataset
  • GenMod in lda/generativeModel.py to sample from a LDA model given the hyperparameters