
GitHub action to create a deployment status update

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A GitHub action to update the status of Deployments as part of your GitHub CI workflows.

Works great with my other action to create Deployments, chrnorm/deployment-action.

Action inputs

name description
repo (Optional) A custom repository to create the deployment for. Defaults to the repo the action is running in.
owner A custom owner to create the deployment for. Defaults to the repo owner the action is running in.
state The state to set the deployment to. Must be one of the below: "error" "failure" "inactive" "in_progress" "queued" "pending" "success"
token GitHub token
log-url (Optional) Sets the URL for deployment output
environment-url (Optional) Sets the URL for accessing your environment
environment (Optional) Name for the target deployment environment, which can be changed when setting a deploy status.
description (Optional) Descriptive message about the deployment
deployment-id The ID of the deployment to update
github-base-url (Optional) Changes the API base URL for a GitHub Enterprise server.

Usage example

The below example includes chrnorm/deployment-action and chrnorm/deployment-status to create and update a deployment within a workflow.

name: Deploy

on: [push]

    name: Deploy my app

    # IMPORTANT: the workflow must have write access to deployments, otherwise the action will fail.
      deployments: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - uses: chrnorm/deployment-action@v2
        name: Create GitHub deployment
        id: deployment
          token: '${{ github.token }}'
          environment-url: http://my-app-url.com
          environment: production

      - name: Deploy my app
        run: |
          # add your deployment code here

      - name: Update deployment status (success)
        if: success()
        uses: chrnorm/deployment-status@v2
          token: '${{ github.token }}'
          environment-url: http://my-app-url.com
          state: 'success'
          deployment-id: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.deployment_id }}

      - name: Update deployment status (failure)
        if: failure()
        uses: chrnorm/deployment-status@v2
          token: '${{ github.token }}'
          environment-url: http://my-app-url.com
          state: 'failure'
          deployment-id: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.deployment_id }}


Install dependencies with npm install.


First build Typescript with npm run build. Then package to a single JS file with npm run pack. The pack step uses ncc(https://github.com/zeit/ncc) as specified in the Typescript GitHub Actions template.


There is a validation workflow in .github/workflows/test.yml which performs a basic smoke test against the action to check that it runs.