
ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.5 mail sender in extended Abuse Reporting Format (x-arf). For more information see http://www.x-arf.org/

Primary LanguageRuby


send mail in extended Abuse Reporting Format (x-arf) v0.1. For more information on x-arf see http://www.x-arf.org/

written for/tested with ruby-1.8.6-p420 and ruby-1.8.5 (2006-08-25)


instantiate regular with XarfMail.new(opt) where opt is a ruby hash with the following parameters:

  • :mail [HASH] - ruby Hash with the parameters:
    • :to [STRING] - list of recipients, comma separated
    • :from [STRING]
    • :reply_to [STRING]
    • :cc [STRING] - list of CC-recipients, comma separated
    • :bcc [STRING] - list of BCC-recipients, comma separated
    • :errors_to [STRING]
    • :subject [STRING]
    • :extras [HASH] - hash with mail header extra fields (like {"x-original-to" => "me@mail.com"} )
  • :template [STRING] - full name of template file within "mail-views/" folder
  • :report [HASH] - ruby hash with parameters:
    • "Reported-From" [STRING], mandatory - needs to contain the sending e-mail address
    • "Category" [STRING], mandatory - one of the following categories: abuse, fraud, auth, info, private (more info see http://www.x-arf.org/specification.html)
    • "Report-Type" [STRING], mandatory - type of report, for example: login-attack, phishing-website, spamvertized, etc
    • "User-Agent" [STRING], mandatory - Name and version of the generating software (see RFC 1945 and RFC 2068)
    • "Report-ID" [STRING], mandatory - unique identifier for this specific incident with reasonable domain part, e.g. "abuse-1357127996@yourdomain.ltd"
    • "Date" [STRING], mandatory - date of the incident itself in RFC 3339 or RFC 2822
    • "Source-Type" [STRING], mandatory - ipv4, ipv6, uri, domain or email
    • "Source" [STRING], mandatory - source of abusive behavior. It is described by Source-Type:
    • "Attachment" [STRING], mandatory - only "none" or "text/plain" allowed
    • "Schema-URL" [STRING], mandatory - uri to the JSON-schema that describes the content of the report, e.g. "http://www.x-arf.org/schema/abuse_login-attack_0.1.1.json"
    • "Version" [STRING], optionally - version of specification (current is 0.1)
    • "Occurrences" [STRING], optionally - Though each incident should be reported on its own, this field may be used to consolidate incidents which are strongly related to each other, e.g. "14"
    • "TLP" [STRING], optionally - may be used to indicate the sensitivity of the information in the report: red, amber, green or white
  • :logs [ENUMERATOR] - each inner element represents one log line and supports "to_s". For example an array with Strings.


  • [HASH] has to be a ruby Hash or at least an object which implements the keywords
  • [STRING] has to be a ruby String or any object which implements the "to_s" method
  • [ENUMERATOR] may be any object which supports the "each" method

instance methods

  • build_mail - builds header + mime-parts 1-3 and returns the complete mail object
  • send_mail(mail) - tries to send mail object via smtp.sendmail at localhost
  • build_header - returns mail-header object (text)
  • build_first - returns first mime part object (JSON report.txt)
  • build_second - returns second mime part object (logs)

class methods

  • get_incident - returns the incident hash given at initialization (needed for ERB-template file)