
Playtronica & Chromatone interactive web-experience

Primary LanguageVue

The interactive playground

Chromatone audio-visual web-experience for Touch Me - the tactile MIDI instrument by Playtronica.

How to start

  • Open any WebMIDI enabled browser on any device
  • Connect a MIDI-controller via USB, Bluetooth or DIN to the device
  • OR just use your desktop keyboard
  • Play notes and collect stats
  • Hold any note for 3 seconds to have scene change randomly.

What to play with

  • Swap scenes with icon buttons to the left. Scenes change randomly after any note being held for over 3 seconds, or pressing Spacebar or Enter key.
  • Quantize notes to 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or free time with the bottom-left button.
  • Offset notes by -2,-1,0,+1 or +2 octaves with a button above.
  • Change oscillator waveform with a wave button. It will also help you shut any hang notes that may ocasionally appear.
  • Route MIDI from inputs to outputs, both hardware or software
  • Monitor MIDI in message log
  • Dark mode - turn the lights on or off with a button to the top and left.
  • Stretch to fullscreen with the toggle in the top-right corner

How to contribute

JS Stack

App structure

  • public/ - the files to be copied to the root of the built site
  • src/ - the source code
    • components/ - Vue 3 components ready to be auto-imported in any other component
    • scenes/ - auto-parsed vue-router route components with pug flavoured svg code, that will be used inside the main scene svg
    • use/ - all the composable and utility functions for the app logic
    • app.vue - the main scene SVG and overlays
    • main.js - the Vite app entry point

How run and build the app locally

  1. Clone this repo to a folder on your computer
  2. Run pnpm i to install all project dependencies (You may need to install pnpm before)
  3. Run the dev script with pnpm run dev and visit the localhost address for development and tests
  4. Run the build script with pnpm run build and have the dist folder ready to upload to your static file web hosting.

How to add scenes

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create a Vue 3 component inside the src/scenes/ folder
  3. The template should contain valid SVG code to be embedded into the main scene
  4. Import and use all the interfaces for MIDI, synth, colors and more from '~/use/' folder
  5. Use present scenes as examples
  6. You may use pug and windicss or prefer plain html templates and css styles
  7. Add a line to the app.vue with Iconify icon and the scene file name like this icon-ri-donut-chart-fill(v-if="scene.name == 'donut'")
  8. Push you component to your GitHub repo
  9. Create a Pull Request with the changes to this repo to share it
  10. We will check your code and, if everything is fine, the updated version of the experience will be deployed to the main site.


  • Audio recorder
  • MIDI recorder
  • Achievements
  • Global statistics server