
Modular Documentation for Ethereum

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


Modular documentation for Ethereum.

In the "modules" directory, you'll find single LaTeX articles covering various topics that are both intrinsic, and conceptually centripetal, to understanding Ethereum's technical specification.

This project is built and maintained in LaTeX. This project aims to provide complete, coherent, modular documentation for Ethereum. Topic folders with the file "template.tex" in them are entries that still need to be created.

When defining formal math operations, prefer pseudocode. Anyone can write pseudocode by imagining whatever process one is trying to describe in terms of operational steps:

first do this
then do that

Links to several but not all of the various resources cited can be found in the references directory.

What determines a topic's deserving a module?

It needs to:

  1. Be mentioned in the Yellowpaper
  2. Not fall better under a different 1.5 to 2-page module.