Upstash kafka rest UI

This is a simple ui for kafka hosted on upstash


  • Manage multiple clusters
  • Visualize topics, partitions and messages
  • Produce new messages
  • Only encrypted data stored. Your connection details are de/encrypted inside the browser.
  • Requests to upstash are sent directly from the browser, not proxied by a backend.
  • Secure authentication using auth0
  • Zero ops, using upstash and this allows you use and observe kafka without managing anything.


  1. Visit and log in
  2. Go to /settings and create an encryption key
  3. Go to /cluster and add your clusters


This is ready for myself to use and has almost reached the limits of the upstash kafka rest api. There are lots of unpolished edges and the user experience is admitedly not great. The thing is that this will probably be obsolete at some time when upstash create an official ui, so I would rather spend my time building longer lasting things.


This is a proof of concept.

The code quality is rather poor, I copied stuff together from older projects to build it fast. But I hope you can find what you are looking for.