
Workstation Configuration

Primary LanguageNix

Nix Configuration


General Configuration

  • Peripherie
    • Printers
    • External Hardware
      • Keyboard
      • Mouse
      • Touchpad
      • Monitors
      • Drawpad
  • Baseline Applications

Device Specific Configuration

  • Hardware
    • Keyboard
    • Touchpad
    • Monitor
    • Network Devices (Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC)
  • Disk Layout
  • Drivers

User Specific Configuration

  • Theme
    • Colors/Transparency
    • Fonts
    • Wallpaper
    • Applications + Application Config
    • Desktop Config
      • Login Manager
      • Compositor
      • Bars
      • Launcher

Maintaining hosts

Install a host by deploying a disk image

Run nixos-generate -f qcow -c hosts/<HOST>/configuration.nix which creates a disk image of the specified host. This image can then be used to do the initial installation of the server via the host providers web interface. When adding a new server to the config, run nixos-generate-config on the server after the server has been installed with the disk image and copy the contents of /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix over to this repository.

Makefile Target: make host-generate

Example: HOST=host.acme.org make host-generate

Update a host

A server can be updates by running nixos-rebuild --no-build-nix --build-host <HOST> --target-host <HOST> --flake .#<HOST> switch which will push changes to the server, rebuild on the server and eventually switch the configuration on the server if the build is successful.

Makefile Target: make host-update

Example: HOST=host.acme.org make host-update