
Vagrant test environment with prepared scenarios.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Proving Ground

Vagrant test environment with prepared scenarios.

Getting started

Prepare workstation

  1. Install vagrant. You can download the latest version here.

  2. Install virtualbox (support will be reduced subsequently) and libvirt including dev dependencies (e.g. libvirt-dev on debian distributions).

  3. Install vagrant plugins.

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-share
  4. Setup the poetry shell.

    poetry shell
    poetry install

Select environment

Environments are seperated in different directories which are self contained with the exception of plugins/custom extensions for vagrant.

cd <directory>

Start environment

vagrant up

Destroy environment

vagrant destroy -f

Stop environment

vagrant halt

Update environment

vagrant box update

Cleanup environment

vagrant box prune



Manages /etc/hosts file of the system to ensure virtual machines are reachable by .vagrant. To ensure every user in sudo group can update /etc/hosts the sudoers file needs to be modified:

# vagrant-hostmanager
Cmnd_Alias VAGRANT_HOSTMANAGER_UPDATE = /bin/cp */.vagrant.d/tmp/hosts.local /etc/hosts

If a machine was not added to the hosts file after being created, run vagrant hostmanager manually. Sometimes this fixes the problem.

SSH key integration

Plugin: plugins/key_authorization.rb

Ensures the users public key is situated on every virtual machine. This way a passwordless login is possible.

Ansible Provisioning

New roles need to be added from within the .ansible directory with the command:

ansible-galaxy install <author.role>
