Collection of example YARA-L rules for use within Google Security Operations
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- amaximciuc
- binarytrails
- caseyagilGeneral Assembly Student
- daabr@DataDog
- dandyegoogle
- dev-tty20-meter band
- diegogr-cit@ CI&T
- duongkaiFPT
- FiebererdiGermany
- frozen-sadaSADA Systems
- gsciullo17
- jamesejrDiscord
- JohnMcGJr@GoogleCloud
- joostbijl
- JymitLondon, UK
- k0matiit3
- kdivyateja-cir
- kelleyja
- kieras@ciandt-dev
- lifa123china
- lucnguyentk
- mavamTenzir
- micbeck-cirHermitage, TN
- Mister2ToneBKK
- N3mes1s
- nizq
- ottimoContrast Security
- Pano
- patxipatxanga
- RasoolaghdTokyo
- sailingd
- ThisGrrlBytes
- TJLeachAstrolytes
- wawava
- zom3y3