
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

debt-smart-contract [POC]

  • First iteration.


Debt Token


-- -------- --------------
* _tokenName: Name for the token
* _tokenSymbol: Symbol for the token
* _initialAmount: Actual amount of Ether requested in WEI
* _exchangeRate: Amount of tokens per Ether
* _dayLength: Number of seconds in a day
* _loanTerm: Number of days for Loan maturity; before interest begins
* _loanCycle: Number of days per loan cycle
* _interestRate: Interest rate (Percentage)
* _lender: Lender address
* _borrower: Borrower address

Deployed values

  • _tokenName: Performance Global Loan
  • _tokenSymbol: PGLOAN
  • _initialAmount: 500000000000000000000
  • _exchangeRate: 1
  • _dayLength: 86400
  • _loanTerm: 60
  • _loanCycle: 30
  • _interestRate: 2
  • _lender: address
  • _borrower: address

Ropsten Test deployment

Most recent version of the code is deployed at:

https://ropsten.etherscan.io/token/0x126c694e085517c257ecdad8f46455cf0403008c https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x126c694e085517c257ecdad8f46455cf0403008c

Debt Token Deployer


-- -------- --------------
* _dayTokenAddress: Address of DAY Tokens
* _dayTokenFees: Number of DAY tokens, required as fees

Deployed values

* _dayTokenAddress:  0x7941bc77e1d6bd4628467b6cd3650f20f745db06
* _dayTokenFees:  100000000000000000000

Ropsten Test deployment

Most recent version of the code is deployed at:



  • Test actual functionality of debt-smart-contract
truffle test test/1_debtToken.js
  • Test that actual functionality of debt-smart-contract deployer :
truffle test test/2_debtTokenDeployer.js