- 1
Version 1.4.7. don't work properly (Win7)
#1126 opened by TheNextLevel - 9
Cant sign proof of day token from Trezor
#250 opened by pdidge - 1
How to whitelist site?
#843 opened by housemobile - 0
Uncaught Exception
#1020 opened by probonopd - 6
Connection not open after 1.3.0 installation
#966 opened by baltcoinh - 0
Make use of light nodes
#968 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Unable to load the completed view
#905 opened by kosecki123 - 0
[Feature] Improve loading times for list views
#907 opened by kosecki123 - 8
- 3
Claims are failing Windows Desktop v1.1.1
#759 opened by cryogenn - 2
Windows TimeNode update runs twice v1.1.2 to 1.1.3
#818 opened by cryogenn - 1
TimeNode 1.1.3 AppImage cannot start
#820 opened by cornobils - 0
Add feature to start appimage as a demon with webgui
#783 opened by tonymorella - 0
- 2
- 2
- 3
Someone else received bounty
#763 opened by johnbassplayer - 0
Electron app upgrade functionality
#525 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Claimed but didn´t execute
#696 opened by alanklajman - 4
- 1
Something is seriously wrong at the moment
#731 opened by AutonomousSystems - 0
- 0
Update notice in README
#705 opened by kennym - 0
- 0
"Report this" not working
#698 opened by alanklajman - 0
Button redirecting to 404 page on the Dapp
#697 opened by alanklajman - 2
[IDEA] Provide a tool to leave feedback on the app
#233 opened by kennym - 0
- 1
Use mainnet as default network
#597 opened by kosecki123 - 0
Move TransactionCache storage to lokijs
#616 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Potential sabotage scenarios
#624 opened by AutonomousSystems - 1
- 3
- 0
Stop using injected web3 provider from MetaMask
#595 opened by kosecki123 - 1
TimeNode counters should respect the network
#596 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Disable faucet on the mainnet
#593 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Network selector behaviour
#594 opened by kosecki123 - 0
Transaction cache
#592 opened by kosecki123 - 0
- 1
TimeNode statistics reset after refresh
#520 opened by kosecki123 - 1
Rounding error in stats
#523 opened by kosecki123 - 0
[IDEA] Communication between Nodes you Own
#502 opened by cryogenn - 4
Please add timestamp to .eac.log
#309 opened by TheNextLevel - 2
[BUG] Wonky stats for timenode
#305 opened by kennym - 1
TimeNode DAY token check signing
#294 opened by josipbagaric - 0
validateRequestParams interface
#261 opened by kosecki123 - 0
[BUG] Trouble querying data with traffic blocker
#258 opened by kennym - 0
[IDEA] "Emergency loan" for scheduled transactions
#259 opened by kennym - 0
- 8
Verifying DAY ownership - additional options
#234 opened by cryogenn