
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Suitcase Promo

Suitcase smart contract

Smart Contract proxy wallet for ERC-20/BEP-20 tokens.

The Suitcase can be put up for sale and its ownership can be transferred to the purchaser in a secure, trustless way.

You can read more about this project at our blog.
🗞 Winner of Binance Hackathon - The Future Is Now: https://gitcoin.co/issue/24656#:~:text=2%20Years%20Ago-,Bounty%20Paid,-(0xd9aa%E2%80%A66f20) https://gitcoin.co/hackathon/binance/projects/4293/suitcase/summary

An example instance of the contract has been deployed here.


Selling ownership

  • owner initiates the sale by calling initiateSale and specifying the asking price and who they want to sell to
  • the 'target' address can be set to the zero address (0x0) to signify that anyone can buy the Suitcase, or set to a specific buyer address (e.g. if previously agreed)
  • the buyer calls completeSale and sends the asking price, thus becoming the new owner of the contract
  • the new owner can then sell the Suitcase to another person and so on
  • the owner can cancel the sale while it's initiated but not yet completed by calling cancelSale

Transferring ERC-20/BEP-20 tokens

Call the transfer function while specifying the ERC-20/BEP-20 address, the recipient and amount to move the tokens from the Suitcase to the recipient address.

Proxying calls

The contract also has a proxy function that allows you to call an arbitrary address with arbitrary data on behalf of the Suitcase.


  • node 10 (run nvm use if using nvm to automatically select the proper version)
  • truffle



Run npm install


  • npm install truffle-flattener -g
  • npm install ganache-cli -g


  • provide DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable by using .env file that you need to create (.env.example is provided as template) or by injecting the variable directly
  • run npm run deploy:<target>:
    • npm run deploy:bscTestnet to deploy to Binance Smart Chain Testnet
    • npm run deploy:bscMainnet to deploy to Binance Smart Chain Mainnet


Tests are located in test/ directory.

Run npm run test to execute the test suite.

Additional links