- 0
gil update invalid syntax
#36 opened by Travis990 - 2
Break with fmt new changes
#34 opened by einali - 1
error: member 'CppCommon::UUID::_data' must be initialized by mem-initializer in 'constexpr' constructor
#32 opened by sumeetchhetri - 2
- 1
when open file with both read and write mode, Write and Flush will write read buffer.
#30 opened by yinkaisheng - 1
- 2
where is the build folder?
#28 opened by hbchkid2013 - 1
BinTree AVL bug with specific GCC compiler
#27 opened by romanpunia - 1
uint64_t timestamp representation - how to represent dates before the Unix Epoch?
#12 opened by herolover - 1
- 1
build fails on musl based systems
#22 opened by karasz - 2
c++14 Support
#21 opened by daniel-brosche - 2
pthread_yield is deprecated
#23 opened by saatsazov - 5
Build error on Conan with gcc 11.1.0
#20 opened by saracen24 - 2
Next release for conan
#19 opened by COM8 - 2
#17 opened by alejandro-colomar - 1
Build fails due to c++20 (module) in fmt
#16 opened by sumeetchhetri - 0
CppServer::Asio::Timer is not thread-safe
#15 opened by herolover - 1
- 0
Time week day feature request
#11 opened by herolover - 0
Missing Timezone.Convert const qualifier
#10 opened by herolover - 1
- 1
- 3
Add git TAGs to help versioning
#4 opened by tarc - 2