Report Generator


  • First version of this lacked the redirect handling in fetch_url() and the try/except for I added for the following reasons:
  • During testing, I encountered a temporary issue connecting to so I thought it would be a good idea to add an alternative source in case that service continued to be flakey
  • I explanded fetch_url() to include redirect following because the URL for the CSV redirects to github's CDN. Since I was adding redirect following capabilities, it also prompted me to consider a redirect loop and put some code in there to handle that possibility
  • RE:fetch_url() implementation. In real life, I would now start to think about adding the requests library as a dependency because the complexity has started to grow. For our existing report requirements, I would probably leave it as is but we're right on the edge of enough complexity that it would be worth adding a dependency instead of maintaining my own http.client implementation


  1. git clone
  2. cd probable-disco
  3. make run
  4. make report