I have created a drop-box lite style file upload, storage, sharing and download site; which also includes live chat between users.
- File upload to server storage
- File sorting into folders, and display of files & folder structure
- Sharing of folders and all contained files between users
- Messaging between users
- Live update of sent and received messages while both in the page
- Notification of folder change or message received when on a different page, so cannot witness change
- File and folder table structure to allow for sharing and storage simply
- Action Cable (Web Sockets) to allow for messaging to logged-in users if a particular event occurs. This allows me to show a new-message notification for example.
Messages multi-send sometimes on Heroku
Select field in Dropdown list on Uploads page (for file New and file Edit) doesn't work in Chrome
- Rails 6+
- Postgresql
- Heroku with Postgreql and Redistogo add-ons
- Ruby gems
- Bootstrap
- Popper
- JQuery
- CarrierWave
- Redis
- ActionCable
- Pull the repo
- Run:
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
- Then initialise server with
rails server