
PWA to calculate gestational age based on mean sac diameter

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GA Calc

Netlify Status


A small PWA to determine gestational age based on mean sac diameter.

I made this app to explore the PWA space, get familiar with the offline capabilities afforded by ServiceWorkers, and to pursue a perfect 100 across all Lighthouse audits - which I have

Building the repo

To begin, clone the repo and open the directory

$ git clone https://github.com/chrstntdd/ga-calc.git && cd ga-calc

Then install the project dependencies

$ yarn install

Start the development server

$ yarn start

Finally, open your browser to http://localhost:8080/ to view the app


Build process

As stated above, for development, webpack-dev-server does all the heavy lifting for us.

For production, the process is a bit more involved to squeeze out every last drop of performance.

First, we transpile our src files to the build folder at the root of the project. The output is plain JS, compiled by Babel, mirroring our src directory. Next, we run webpack in production mode, writing to the dist folder at the root. This directory will contain the index.html, JavaScript in js/** and the CSS in css/**. Following that, there are some custom scripts (scripts/build.ts) that use the output of the previous two steps to bring it all together.

At a high level, the build script is responsible for the following:

  • Adding link rel="preload" tags to the head of index.html
  • Adding script tags to index.html
  • Inlining the small webpack runtime chunk into index.html
  • Inlining critical CSS into the head of index.html
  • Minifying index.html
  • Copying the contents of src/assets to dist/images
  • Moving the pre-compiled service-worker.js file to dist/sw.js & adding in the correct file names of the emitted assets that have to be pre-cached (the JS modules, webmanifest, and the index.html page itself).
  • Minifying the newly created dist/sw.js file


  • Input validation? (inputMode="decimal" seems to work well enough)
  • Smooth out ServiceWorker integration
    • Offline messaging
    • Update messaging
    • Integrate w/ build process
  • Pre-render? (work out bugs w/ hydrating inputs and using persisted localStorage state)
  • Tests 😅
  • Differential serving