
vcpkg install --failed while trying to generate project files

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I keep getting "vcpkg install --failed" while I am trying to generate project files both in Windows 10 and Ubuntu.

Any help please? Thank you.

EDIT: I hate C++ projects for this specific reason. They simply don't work 99% of the time. Sure, I maybe novice, but there are simply too many package managers, compilers and build tool chain BS. What to learn, what to ignore? I simply want to build a project and just understand the source code. It is that simple. But that is a tall order in C++ ecosystem. Just by building the project, you lose all the motivation to even bother looking at the code, because you get tired.

chrxh commented

Compiling C++ projects can unfortunately be quite painful. On my developer machine I did the following:

  • install MS Visual Studio with CMake and Win SDK (I use VS 2019 but I hope that 2022 should also work)
  • set the directory for CMake in the path system variable
  • install CUDA Toolkit

And then check out the repository with git and run the build commands from the readme.
Does this work?

chrxh commented

I tried compiling it on a fresh system with Windows 11. I noticed that certain download mirrors in the used vcpkg version do not work anymore.
Try the following: In the directory ./external/vcpkg enter the command (which switches to a more recent vcpkg version)
git switch d8783052cbf85bb5b1777b58b998c88d99357943 --detach
and then follow the instructions from the ALIEN readme. I should update the newer vcpkg commit in the repro.

EDIT: I've updated the submodule to this commit. It would be best if you delete the already checked out ALIEN repo and try again.

-- Running vcpkg install
Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-windows...
Run vcvarsall.bat to get Visual Studio env failed with exit code 1

I am getting the above error.

chrxh commented

Did you do the same steps as I described above? Which Visual Studio version are you using?

About your error message, I find the following solution in the search:
Have you already tried this?

Yes that has worked. Thank you.