
a simple but powerful pluginsystem for the orca screenreader

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

SOPS — Simple Orca Plugin System

SOPS provides a simple way to write custom plugins for screen reader Orca. It requires Orca to be installed.

Manual Installation

  • If you want to install this software system-wide, copy this directory to /usr/share/SOPS:

    sudo cp -dpr . /usr/share/SOPS

    You are free to choose a different location, as soon as the directory is not moved after installation.

  • As user, run:

    sh /usr/share/SOPS/install-for-current-user.sh

    This installs the plugin locally and registers a few default plugins with Orca.

    Note: replace /usr/share/SOPS through the path you chose during the previous step.

install via package manager

  • On Debian and derivatives, it is enough to issue sudo apt install orca-sops.
  • For Arch Linux, the package simpleorcapluginsystem-git from the AUR can be installed.

After the installation, run:

sh /usr/share/SOPS/install-for-current-user.sh # copy all the needed stuff to orca

Documentation And Usage

The documentation can be found in the doc folder or in the Arch wiki at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Simple_Orca_Plugin_System


  • if installed by your package manager, use this one

  • otherwise remove /usr/share/SOPS

    sudo rm -r /usr/share/SOPS # remove the mainfolder
  • remove user-local installation:

    rm -r ~/.config/SOPS # remove the userplugins and the configuration
    • remove the following section from file ~/.local/share/orca/orca-customizations.py :
    # Start SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH!
    import os
    import importlib.util
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('SimplePluginLoader', os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.config/SOPS/SimplePluginLoader.py')
    SimplePluginLoaderModule = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    # End SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH!