stlink swo usb capture tool heh ;) it works :) Dependencies ============ pyusb >= 1.x (Tested with 1.0.0-0.4.a2.fc18) (you have to work out udev rules yourself....) Basic Usage =========== python connect swo_file blahblahblah.log swo_start stimulusbitmask .... swo_start otherstimulusmask ... exit (or ^d) in another window: # to see everything... python -f blahblahblah.log # to see just stimulus port 2 python -f blahblahblah.log -a 2 Tips ==== You _probably_ will want to edit, in the PacketParser's target parameter, if you want to change the output formatting. Bugs ==== The STLink firmware gets into some screwy states sometimes, you need to unplug/replug to get it back. Boo :( (This is a bug in swopy's USB handling) After streaming for a while, stably writing 40-60KB/sec, and seeing consistent 300-800bytes SWO data per frame, you'll see the STLink report that it has ~64KB to dump, and then it gets a USB Transfer error and locks up. Boo :( As best I can tell that's a firmware bug on the STLink, there's no field I can tell in the USB responses to indicate there's any sort of overflow) Sometimes the stimulus bits are weird. Writing to bits that _should_ turn on the channel you want doesn't. Boo :( No idea what's going on there.