- 1
enc: sand crabs
#302 opened by bttq-dll - 1
Bug: Auto hunter plugin, wont reset catched boxes, wont take the reward(shaky box), will only reset broken traps?
#494 opened by OtrevligAbbe - 1
Error in cooking enums (Fix included)
#356 opened by gmm39 - 4
enhancement: NMZ
#310 opened by bttq-dll - 0
- 6
Motherlode mine
#334 opened by bttq-dll - 1
- 1
#277 opened by bttq-dll - 2
AIO Fighter not functioning
#264 opened by wsock - 1
Default login function chooses a random world including members even if the account is f2p
#227 opened by einstein95 - 1
unable to add more then 20 accs to profile system
#146 opened by ikiddoi - 1
- 2
add default config settings
#77 opened by ikiddoi - 1
- 1
firemaking not work
#211 opened by CzajnikOfficial - 1
release action on ruby harvest not working
#143 opened by ikiddoi - 3
- 1
menuswap failing for rs2gameobject distance above 17 tiles does instead examine option
#145 opened by ikiddoi - 2
Barb fishing makes teak stocks
#193 opened by Rina-Valor - 1
make withdraw exact
#149 opened by ikiddoi - 3
Player Assistant plugin will always eat
#176 opened by bzaahyo - 0
- 0
interact not working on guardians
#141 opened by ikiddoi - 1
SUGGESTION: make client interaction based on gametick
#150 opened by ikiddoi - 0
telegrab on grounditem still crashing client
#144 opened by ikiddoi - 1
interact with trees
#138 opened by ikiddoi - 3
disable plugins when running multiple clients
#89 opened by ikiddoi - 0
casting spell on npc
#139 opened by ikiddoi - 0
- 3
persist runelite settings between clients
#79 opened by ikiddoi - 1
destroy item not working
#119 opened by chsami - 3
- 0
NOT A BUG: ability to select attackstyle
#37 opened by ikiddoi - 2
restock crud api g.e profile api
#75 opened by ikiddoi - 1
high alch by name
#72 opened by ikiddoi - 0
g.e loadouts for restocking
#76 opened by ikiddoi - 1
autologin should login in random world based on settings just like runelite worldhopper.
#90 opened by ikiddoi - 1
findobject by name giving null
#93 opened by ikiddoi - 1
openbank from lumbridge deadspot not working
#59 opened by ikiddoi - 1
- 1
interact misclicking
#84 opened by ikiddoi - 5
interact broken on atlar with action use, interact broken on grounditem with cast
#57 opened by ikiddoi - 1
usebank not checking for npc
#62 opened by ikiddoi - 1
walkpath not functioning
#58 opened by ikiddoi - 0
plough not working on npc
#64 opened by ikiddoi - 2
findObjectById should return nearest gameobject
#60 opened by ikiddoi - 2
- 3
issue with walker slayer tower
#34 opened by ikiddoi - 1
bank withdraw broken
#33 opened by ikiddoi - 1
[BUG] Microbot Agility Plugin Fails at Seers
#19 opened by Jrod7938