
Can you introduce the color scale method

AiWei123 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I read your paper about the color scale, but the code didn't include the part, can you explain it to us?Thank you very much.

And I have retrained the code, but I found it doesn't reach the result on the paper. I check all the code, I don't know the reason. I don't know if the train code included all data augumentation method. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

@AiWei123,Hello,have you retrained successfully?

Are you Chinese?May I add your WeChat?May I share with you the experience of reproducing this article?

@AiWei123, @Taohuasuanban I've been trying to reproduce this article have you been able to train epinet from scratch?

hello,Thank you very much for your work. But I have encountered some difficulties recently, I am currently reproducing your results using your code via default Settings, and i failed to reproduce it successfully. I think i may do something wrong, could you share your experience? thank you very much! my wechat is 13121253652.