
Dyson Sphere Program Mod

Primary LanguageC#


简介 / Introduction


This mod provides a resource boost feature for the game Dyson Sphere Program, helping players unlock technologies, buildings, and equipment more quickly, and increasing the game's pace. 默认4倍速,可以在配置文件中设置倍率 建议(2-10倍) Default speed up 4x;

功能 / Features

  • 采集加速 / Gathering Acceleration
  • 合成加速 / Synthesis Acceleration
  • 物流加速 / Logistics Acceleration
  • 研究加速 / Research Acceleration

使用 / Usage

下载本Mod文件。 将下载的文件解压缩,并将解压缩后的文件夹放置在BepInEx的plugins目录下。

Download the mod file. Extract the downloaded file and place the extracted folder in the BepInEx plugins directory.

注意事项 / Notes


请确保游戏版本与本Mod兼容。 使用本Mod可能导致游戏不稳定,建议定期备份存档。


Please ensure that this mod is compatible with your game version. Using this mod may cause the game to become unstable, so it is recommended to back up your save files regularly.

感谢您使用Mod,祝您游戏愉快! Thank you for using the mod, and enjoy your game!