
Straightforward autodiff implementation, for pedagogy

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

What is edudiff?

edudiff is reverse mode automatic differentiation in the style of PyTorch.

edudiff requires computational nodes define local gradients, unlike Autograd or JAX which can synthesize these.

Why edudiff?

You should know (roughly) how your tools work.

What's provided?

Not much. edudiff is pedagogical and not meant as a tool. You should (of course) use PyTorch or JAX.

There's currently no accelerator support, but this could be added.

What does it look like?

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from edudiff import Value, gmap

Scalar function gradients

a = Value(5)
b = Value(8)
c = Value(2)

((a + c) * b + c).backward()

a.gradient, b.gradient, c.gradient
(8, 7, 9)

Linear Regression

n_features, n_samples = 3, 200

xs = np.random.uniform(0, 40, size=(n_features, n_samples))
W = np.random.random((n_features,))
err = 5 * np.random.normal(size=(n_samples))

y = W @ xs + err
plt.scatter(xs[0], (W @ xs))
plt.scatter(xs[0], y)


Define and optimize a linear regression model

xi = Value(xs, requires_gradient=False)
Wi = Value(np.random.random((n_features,)))

learning_rate = 1e-6

error = []
w_error = []
for _ in range(100):
    y_hat = Wi @ xi
    mse_loss = ((y_hat - y) ** 2).sum()
    gmap(mse_loss, lambda v: v.parents, lambda v: v.clear_gradient())
    error.append(mse_loss.value / n_samples)
    w_error.append(np.mean((W - Wi.value) ** 2))
    Wi.value -= learning_rate * Wi.gradient

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(np.arange(100), error)
ax.set_ylim([1, 1000])
ax.set_ylabel("Mean Square Error")

ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.scatter(np.arange(100), w_error, color="red")
ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.1])
ax2.set_ylabel("Square Parameter Error")
