
A image server base on .NET & ImageResizer

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


install from nuget release Build status CodeFactor

  • .NET base
  • Image server
  • Support resizing thumb
  • Use ImageResizer

Server Demo

Deploy ResizingServer to a web server and config

    <add key="UploadRouteUrl" value="api" /><!--api routeurl http://host/{UploadRouteUrl} -->
    <add key="ApiKey" value="48DFD0EE-61A2-4CB5-B1D6-33E917A83202" /><!--when upload file use it -->
    <add key="AllowFolders" value="face,images" /><!-- folder/category  for diff biz line -->

physical path like upload/face/1508/21/5a020a4161f543f197ddc0965aeeb66d.jpg

  • upload
    • category(eg:face or images in config:AllowFolders)
      • yyMM (year and month)
        • dd (date)
          • {guid}.jpg

virtual path you can use the ResizingClient to convert from a formatUrl to url format url like /u/face/b96225af353d15504302a087f4f46bb0151d1c{0}x{1}{2}.jpg url like /u/face/b96225af353d15504302a087f4f46bb0151d1c100x100c.jpg

Client Demo

Config the App.config / Web.config

    <add key ="ResizingServer.Host" value=""/>
    <add key ="ResizingServer.UploadUrl" value=""/>
    <add key ="ResizingServer.ApiKey" value="48DFD0EE-61A2-4CB5-B1D6-33E917A83202"/>

Install nuget package

Install-Package ResizingClient

upload to server

var result=ResizingUtil.Upload(File.ReadAllBytes("d:\\a.jpg"), "a.jpg", "face").Result;
Console.WriteLine(result.FormatUrl);//like /u/face/b96225af353d15504302a087f4f46bb0151d1c{0}x{1}{2}.jpg

{0}:width {1}:height {2}:mode

mode enum:

  • c:crop
  • m:max
  • p:pad

convert format to url

using ResizingClient;
// ...
var url1 = ResizingUtil.Format(url,100,100,ResizingMode.Pad);
var url1 = ResizingUtil.Format(url,100,100);

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