
Minio (S3) with Keycloak for authentication & authorization

Primary LanguageShell


Minion (S3) with Keycloak for authentication & authorization

Configure .env

Create a .env file with the following values:

KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_LOGIN= # Keycloak admin user
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD= # Keycloak admin user password

MINIO_ROOT_USER= # Minio root user
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD= # Minio root user passwordadmin

MINIO_SERVER_URL= # URL of Minio server

MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET= # Keycloak client secret from section above


If you need plan to run this keycloak/minio setup on a remote machine, make sure to edit the following openssl command in the setup_certs.sh to generate certificates valid for this domain:

openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=IP:,IP:,IP:HERE.YOUR.IP") -in certs/keycloak/keycloak.csr ...

Run the setup_certs.sh script to generate Keycloak certificates

bash setup_certs.sh

Configure Keycloak Realm

Launch Keycloak (docker-compose up -d keycloak) and go to admin console: localhost:8443. Login with the credentitals from the .env.

  • Go to Clients

    • Click on create

      • Put client ID: minio
      • Save
  • Go to Clients

    • Click on minio
      • Settings
      • Change Access Type to confidential.
      • Set Service Accounts Enabled to On
      • Set Valid Redirect URIs to *
      • Expand Advanced Settings and set Access Token Lifespan to 1 Hours
      • Save
    • Click on credentials tab
      • Copy the Secret to clipboard.
      • This value is needed for MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET for MinIO.
  • Go to Users

    • Click on the user
    • Attribute, add a new attribute Key is policy, Value is name of the policy on MinIO (ex: readwrite)
    • Add and Save
  • Go to Clients

    • Click on minio
    • Mappers
    • Create
      • Name with any text
      • Mapper Type is User Attribute
      • User Attribute is policy
      • Token Claim Name is policy
      • Claim JSON Type is string
    • Save
  • Go to Clients

    • Click on minio
    • Mappers
    • Create
      • Name with any text
      • Mapper Type is Audience
      • Included Client Audience is security-admin-console
    • Save
  • Go to Clients

    • Click on minio
    • Service Accounts Roles
    • Add admin to assigned roles
  • Go to Roles

    • Add new Role admin with Description ${role_admin}.
    • Add this Role into compositive role named default-roles-master. This role is automatically trusted in the 'Service Accounts' tab.
  • Check that minio client_id has the role 'admin' assigned in the "Service Account Roles" tab.

Launch Minio

Launch Minio (docker-compose up -d). Go to minio console home page: Click on Login with SSO. You will be redirected to Keycloak to login. Once you login you will be redirected back to Minio.

Custom access policies

We are going to simulate a scenario where you have two users: Alice and Bob with two buckets: A and B. Alice with all full read and write access to bucket A and B but Bob only read to bucket A.

Create users

Go to Keycloak

  • Go to Users

    • Add user
    • Username: Alice
    • Save
    • Go to Credentials
      • Fill password & password confirmation field
      • Uncheck Temporary
      • Set Password
    • Go to attributes
      • Add attribute with key: policy value: minioSuperuser
      • Save
  • Go to Users

    • Add user
    • Username: Bob
    • Save
    • Go to Credentials
      • Fill password & password confirmation field
      • Uncheck Temporary
      • Set Password
    • Go to attributes
      • Add attribute with key: policy value: minioUser
      • Save

Create buckets and custom policies

We are going to use Minio Client to create buckets and the policies.

docker pull minio/mc
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/bash minio/mc

Add your minio server:

mc config host add minio <MINIO_ROOT_USER> <MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD>

Create buckets and put stuff inside:

mc mb minio/bucket-a
mc mb minio/bucket-b

echo "hello world!" > hello.txt
mc cp hello.txt minio/bucket-a/hello.a.txt
mc cp hello.txt minio/bucket-b/hello.b.txt

Create custom policies:

cat > minio_superuser.json << EOFL
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": ""

cat > minio_user.json << EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": ""

mc admin policy add minio minioSuperuser minio_superuser.json
mc admin policy add minio minioUser minio_user.json

You can now access Minio Console and login with either Alice or Bob. You will see only bucket A for Bob and both buckets for Alice.

To learn more on how to design custom policies: https://docs.min.io/minio/baremetal/security/minio-identity-management/policy-based-access-control.html#minio-policy-actions.