
Minimal working example on how to use Keycloak with OpenSearch

Primary LanguageShell

OpenSearch - Keycloak

Minimal working example of running OpenSearch with Keycloak.

This setup is not meant to be used in production

For a version using kubernetes: https://github.com/bob-california/opensearch-kubernetes


Environment variables

  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_LOGIN: login for keycloak admin user
  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: password for keycloak admin user
  • KEYCLOAK_URL: keycloak url (used in setup_keycloak.sh)
  • KEYCLOAK_DASHBOARDS_CLIENT_ID: dashboards client_id in keycloak (used in setup_keycloak.sh and opensearch-dashboards.yml)
  • KEYCLOAK_DASHBOARDS_CLIENT_SECRET: dashboards client_secret in keycloak (used in setup_keycloak.sh and opensearch-dashboards.yml)


Start by generating all the needed certificates:

chmod +x setup_certs.sh && ./setup_certs.sh

OpenSearch ulimits

Then make sure to raise your host ulimits for OpenSearch:

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

To make this change persistent, add the line vm.max_map_count=262144 in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. Then execute sudo sysctl -p


Now, you will need to setup keycloak. Start by launching the service: docker-compose up -d keycloak. You can now access the admin interface: The keycloak admin panel is quite complex to take in hands so I created a script to create a client for OpenSearch.

chmod +x setup_keycloak.sh && ./setup_keycloak.sh

⚠️ Wait until keycloak is ready by checking the logs: docker-compose logs -f

Now that the client is created, we have one last thing to do, it is to crate a Role Mapper.

  1. In Keycloak admin panel, click on Clients in the sidebar, then click on opensearch-dashboards client in the list of clients
  2. Click on the Mappers tab
  3. Click on Add builtin in the top right
  4. At the bottom of the list select realm roles and click on Add selected
  5. Click on the role you just created, change the Token Claim Name to roles and make sure that all options are on


Launch OpenSearch containers: docker-compose up -d os01 os02 os03. Then execute the security admin script to setup the security plugin of OpenSearch:

chmod +x security_admin.sh && ./security_admin.sh



docker-compose up -d

Keycloak admin console:

OpenSearch Dashboards:

Use the values in the .env to connect to both.