
How to get the prefixspan-cli working?

hmanso02 opened this issue · 3 comments

I tried to install using "python" but it throws an error. How do I use the prefixspan-cli option? It keeps throwing an error for me. I am particularly interested in using the maxlen option in my python code. How do I use maxlen in python code rather than using it on the terminal? Would greatly appreciate any help!

You need to install using pip3 install prefixspan. is used to package the library for publishing on PyPI.

thanks so much for the quick response. Just wanted a quick follow up. Can I use the 'maxlen' option in python code or do I need to use it on the terminal? I tried to use it in my python code earlier but it threw an error. would greatly appreciate an example. thanks!

You can use it in your code. The CLI is just a wrapper of the library. Everything that the CLI does can be established in your code. Please refer to the source code of CLI for more details.