The shortest yet efficient Python implementation of the sequential pattern mining algorithm PrefixSpan, closed sequential pattern mining algorithm BIDE, and generator sequential pattern mining algorithm FEAT.
- 2
Incorrect frequent patterns
#42 opened by imanly97 - 4
- 3
wrong results
#41 opened by MahmoudAdel-hub - 0
Verbose mode
#40 opened by KASDmusic - 1
- 0
- 0
Finding frequent patterns in multiple lists
#36 opened by jarble - 1
cannot use prefixspan-cli
#35 opened by WeiRi - 1
Incorrect result
#34 opened by yang170 - 4
a way to edit the minlen
#18 opened by StefanBloemheuvel - 5
Inclusion in scikit-mine
#33 opened by remiadon - 2
Configure minlen, maxlen outside instead of hardcode to 1 and 1000 respectively
#30 opened by abhi-rawat1 - 4
Issue with key parameter input
#22 opened by WYannis - 0
- 3
- 5
The output I get looks very weird to me
#23 opened by johann-petrak - 2
Does not work properly with text
#26 opened by vedantg12 - 3
Handling of --text does not work properly
#24 opened by johann-petrak - 1
Specify occurrence of each sequence in input
#17 opened by nltran - 4
import error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#19 opened by weitang730 - 2
How to set min_sup parameter
#20 opened by dpengwang - 2
Returning matching pattern indices
#21 opened by zazencodes - 2
- 6
- 0
What is a 'generator pattern'?
#28 opened by TimHe95 - 7
#5 opened by LevavasseurYann - 2
Question: Sequential Rule Mining
#16 opened by Ikuyadeu - 5
- 1
how to install it on windows 10 computer
#13 opened by Sandy4321 - 1
- 4
Installation problem
#3 opened by kuroshiba-Ginji - 3
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
#10 opened by nisalup - 17
- 1
- 6
generator returns error
#8 opened by AllerLydia - 3
How to get the prefixspan-cli working?
#4 opened by hmanso02