HVS: Hierarchical Graph Structure Based on Voronoi Diagrams for Solving Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
- OpenCV 3.30+
- GCC 4.9+ with OpenMP
- CMake 2.8+
- Boost 1.55+
- TCMalloc
- Tiny80M (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PzW9cqi8VbzH9Bu_7UDWAXjA2DlBorG3/view?usp=sharing)
- Other real datasets (https://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/systems/hash/gqr/datasets.html)
Complie HVS (based on NSW)
$ cd hnsw/
$ mkdir build/ && cd build/
cmake ..
is the value of top-K,L
is the value of efsearch andqn
is the size of query set -
are user-specified parameters of HVS - The data set, query set and the ground_truth set are stored in ${dPath}.ds, ${qPath}.q and truth.gt
Build HVS index
./hnsw/build/main ${dPath}.ds nullptr ${n} ${d} ${T} -1 ${delta} -1
Search in HVS
./hnsw/build/main ${dPath}.ds ${qPath}.q ${n} ${d} ${T} ${qn} ${K} ${L}
- Donwload the dataset, query set and the ground truth set of ImageNet from the following link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WV78sZT1j1oz-GoZTQdyKaNQgulRLe2O/view?usp=sharing
- Put all three files in the main folder
- Run the script
bash run_image.sh