Docker Cookbook

Goal is to automate creation of development environment.


You'll need to manually build a base image from any centos images available in docker index. I've used hansode/centos-6.5-x86_64. To build

docker pull hansode/centos-6.5-x86_64
docker run -t -i hansode/centos-6.5-x86_64 /bin/bash
# within container
passwd          # change root password. I used 'Password@01'
yum update -y   # optionally update system
exit            # exit from container thereby stopping container process
# in host
docker commit -author="Your Name <>" -m "initial images" <container id> base

With above "base" image available. Now you'll have to build "sdchua/base" which install neccessary services, e.g. ssh-server, supervisord and etc.

I have wrote a convenient dbuild command to build docker images. To use dbuild command just do


To build the "sdchua/base" image, dbuild base To build the "sdchua/jenkins" image, dbuild jenkins


drun <image>: e.g. drun jenkins


  1. repo: Local Yum Mirror
  2. base: Base container where below list of container base on.
  3. build: Jenkins
  4. database: MySQL
  5. pms: Redmine Server
  6. scm: Gitolite


  1. Maven Repository
  2. Test Environment
  3. Prosody: Jabber Server